
SaaSSoftware as a Service
SaaSStorage as a Service
SaaSStudent Awards Agency for Scotland
SaaSStudent African American Sisterhood (Indianapolis, IN)
SaaSStandard Army Ammunition System
SaaSStatewide Automated Accounting System (Mississippi)
SaaSSouthern Association of Agricultural Scientists
SaaSSecretaria de Asuntos Administrativos y de Seguridad (Guatemala)
SaaSSchool of Advanced Airpower Studies (advanced PME at Maxwell AFB, AL, USA)
SaaSSouth Australian Ambulance Service
SaaSSoldier As A System
SaaSSan Antonio Audubon Society (San Antonio, TX)
SaaSSeattle Academy of Arts and Sciences
SaaSStudio of Arts and Sciences
SaaSSichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences (China)
SaaSSecurity Audit and Analysis System
SaaSSalla Allahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam (Arabic: may the blessing and the peace of Allah be upon him)
SaaSService Académique d'Action Sociale (French: Academic Service for Social Action)
SaaSSprint Advanced Applications Support
SaaSStatus Already Assigned (Alcatel)
SaaSState Associations of Addictions Services
SaaSStand Alone Analysis Shelter/System
SaaSSouthend Amateur Angling Society (UK)
SaaSSouth Asian Area Studies (University of Bradford)
SaaSStand-Alone Analysis Subsystem