Acronym | Definition |
RHD | Right Hand Drive |
RHD | Resources for Human Development (various locations) |
RHD | Registreringssentral for Historiske Data (Norwegian: Norwegian Historical Data; census) |
RHD | Research Higher Degree |
RHD | Rheumatic Heart Disease |
RHD | Red Hat Developer (Linux) |
RHD | Racial Harmony Day (Singapore) |
RHD | Red Hand Defenders (terror organization) |
RHD | Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease |
RHD | Rel Homology Domain |
RHD | Roads and Highways Department (Bangladesh) |
RHD | Robbery Homicide Division |
RHD | Restauration Hors-Domicile |
RHD | Rural Health Development (various locations) |
RHD | Right Hemisphere Damage (brain injury) |
RHD | Railhead |
RHD | Revue Historique de Droit Français et Étranger (French: Historical Review of French and Foreign Law) |
RHD | Removable Hard Disk |
RHD | Réseau Haut Débit (French: Broadband Network) |
RHD | Right Hand Dominant |
RHD | Relative Hepatic Dullness |
RHD | Right Hip Disarticulation |
RHD | Remedy Help Desk |
RHD | Response Hold Delay |
RHD | RASSP Help Desk |
RHD | Receipt, Handling and Dispatch (warehouse storage) |
RHD | Roller Hockey Dijon (French roller hockey club) |
RHD | Robust High Density |