Acronym | Definition |
RPCC | Read Process Cycle Counter |
RPCC | Rushmore Plaza Civic Center (Rapid City, SD) |
RPCC | Robert Purcell Community Center (Cornell University, Ithica, NY) |
RPCC | Rogers Park Chamber of Commerce (Chicago, IL) |
RPCC | (newsgroup) |
RPCC | Relay Peer-Based Caching Consistency (mobile tecnology) |
RPCC | Release Prevention, Control and Countermeasure |
RPCC | Regional Planning and Coordinating Commission |
RPCC | Rolling Plains Cooperative Compress |
RPCC | Radar Principal Cartesian Coordinates |
RPCC | Reactor Plant Control Panel (Nuclear Navy) |
RPCC | Regional Power Control Centre (Pakistan) |
RPCC | Rémunération de la Performance Contractualisée des Cadres (French: Employees' Contracted Service Pay) |