SLRSingle Lens Reflex (camera)
SLRSigned Lower Right (authenticity feature)
SLRSauvons La Recherche (France)
SLRSea Level Rise
SLRStatutory Liquidity Ratio
SLRScalable Linear Recording
SLRSource Local Reference
SLRSport Light Racing
SLRService Level Reporter
SLRSingle Lens Reflex
SLRSatellite Laser Ranging
SLRSelf Loading Rifle
SLRSystème Léger sur Rail (French: Light Rail System; Canada)
SLRShimano Linear Response (bicycles)
SLRStraight Leg Raising
SLRSorry Late Reply
SLRSan Lorenzo River (California)
SLRSta Lucia Realtors (Philippine Basketball Association)
SLRSimple Linear Regression
SLRSide Looking Radar
SLRSenior Living Residence (est. 1990)
SLRService Learning Requirement (various schools)
SLRSri Lanka Rupee (national currency)
SLRSouthern Light Rail (Georgia Tech)
SLRSleeper Class (railway coach)
SLRSystematic Literature Review (secondary study)
SLRSpring Load Restriction (Minnesota)
SLRSelling Loot Rights (gaming)
SLRSingapore Law Reports (Singapore Academy of Law)
SLRSilver Legacy Resort (Reno, NV)
SLRSri Lanka Railway
SLRSquare Loop Resonator (electrical engineering)
SLRSupply Licence Review (UK)
SLRStrange Life Records (Netherlands)
SLRService Level Report
SLRSign Language Recognition
SLRSending Loudness Rating (telecommunications)
SLRScanning Raman Lidar
SLRState Liaison Representative
SLRStatic Loaded Radius (tire measurement)
SLRSingle Linear Recording
SLRSlush on Runway
SLRStandard Local Rate (various companies)
SLRSuper-Leicht, Rennsport (German: Super-Light, Racing; Mercedes Benz)
SLRSingle Line Restoral
SLRStock Level Report
SLRSociété de Linguistique Romane (French: Romance Linguistics Society)
SLRService Location Register
SLRSpacelift Range
SLRSuburban Land Reserve (Salt Lake City, UT)
SLRSystèmes Logiciels et Réseaux (French: Software Systems and Networks)
SLRSlide Raft (aircraft door)
SLRStock Level Requirement
SLRSystem Level Requirement
SLRSide Lower Berth (rail travel)
SLRSplit Live Range