SNCPSubnetwork Connection Protection
SNCPStorage Networking Certification Program (Storage Networking Industry Association)
SNCPSubnetwork Connection Protection (telecommunications)
SNCPSyndicat National du Caoutchouc et des Polymeres (French Rubber and Polymers Industry Association)
SNCPSingle Node Control Point
SNCPSyndicat National du Commerce du Porc (French: National Trade Union of Pork)
SNCPSNChessPlayer (computer game platform)
SNCPSyndicat National des Cadres Pénitentiaires (French: National Union of Prison Officials)
SNCPSpecial Navy Control Program
SNCPSyndicat National des Cochers et Utilisateurs Professionnels d'Animaux Attelés (French harness racing union)
SNCPSki Nautique Club de Paris (French water sports club)
SNCPService Negotiation and Control Protocol