Acronym | Definition |
SNCP | Subnetwork Connection Protection |
SNCP | Storage Networking Certification Program (Storage Networking Industry Association) |
SNCP | Subnetwork Connection Protection (telecommunications) |
SNCP | Syndicat National du Caoutchouc et des Polymeres (French Rubber and Polymers Industry Association) |
SNCP | Single Node Control Point |
SNCP | Syndicat National du Commerce du Porc (French: National Trade Union of Pork) |
SNCP | SNChessPlayer (computer game platform) |
SNCP | Syndicat National des Cadres Pénitentiaires (French: National Union of Prison Officials) |
SNCP | Special Navy Control Program |
SNCP | Syndicat National des Cochers et Utilisateurs Professionnels d'Animaux Attelés (French harness racing union) |
SNCP | Ski Nautique Club de Paris (French water sports club) |
SNCP | Service Negotiation and Control Protocol |