Acronym | Definition |
SND | Sound |
SND | Secretary of National Defense (Philippines) |
SND | Society for News Design (aka Society of Newspaper Design) |
SND | Search and Destroy (gaming) |
SND | Sanderson (Amtrak station code; Sanderson, TX) |
SND | Sistema Nacional de Discapacidad (Spanish:National Disability System; Colombia) |
SND | Sons of Northern Darkness (album) |
SND | Sisters of Notre Dame (religious order) |
SND | Sunday Nite Dinner (blog) |
SND | Salzmann Nodular Degeneration |
SND | Sound File |
SND | Smart Network Devices |
SND | Symantec Net Driver |
SND | Securing Cisco Network Devices |
SND | Simultaneous Nitrification and Denitrification (biological method) |
SND | Supply and Demand |
SND | Society of Newspaper Design (now Society for News Design) |
SND | Sud Numérique Distribution (French: Southern Digital Distribution) |
SND | Sinus Node Dysfunction |
SND | Seek and Destroy (World of Warcraft online gaming guild) |
SND | Statens Nærings og Distriktutviklingsfond |
SND | Société Nouvelle de Distribution (French film distribution company) |
SND | Société Nouvelle Doresco (French: Doresco New Company; France) |
SND | Swedish National Data Service (Gothenburg, Sweden) |
SND | Encoded Audio Format (file extension; Sun and NeXT machines) |
SND | Sanitary Napkin Disposal |
SND | Synaptic Net Dive (Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII) |
SND | Sub-Network Dependent |
SND | Standardized Nomenclature Database |
SND | Serpent Night Dragon (gaming) |
SND | Sequence Number Difference |
SND | Stack and Die (World Of Warcraft, online gaming guild) |
SND | ScoutNet Deutschland |
SND | Selected Natural Diamond |
SND | Static No Delivery |
SND | Students for Nuclear Disarmament (Canada) |
SND | Semi-Noisy Deterministic (communications channel) |
SND | San Diego Imperial Corporation (former stock symbol; now delisted) |