SNDSecretary of National Defense (Philippines)
SNDSociety for News Design (aka Society of Newspaper Design)
SNDSearch and Destroy (gaming)
SNDSanderson (Amtrak station code; Sanderson, TX)
SNDSistema Nacional de Discapacidad (Spanish:National Disability System; Colombia)
SNDSons of Northern Darkness (album)
SNDSisters of Notre Dame (religious order)
SNDSunday Nite Dinner (blog)
SNDSalzmann Nodular Degeneration
SNDSound File
SNDSmart Network Devices
SNDSymantec Net Driver
SNDSecuring Cisco Network Devices
SNDSimultaneous Nitrification and Denitrification (biological method)
SNDSupply and Demand
SNDSociety of Newspaper Design (now Society for News Design)
SNDSud Numérique Distribution (French: Southern Digital Distribution)
SNDSinus Node Dysfunction
SNDSeek and Destroy (World of Warcraft online gaming guild)
SNDStatens Nærings og Distriktutviklingsfond
SNDSociété Nouvelle de Distribution (French film distribution company)
SNDSociété Nouvelle Doresco (French: Doresco New Company; France)
SNDSwedish National Data Service (Gothenburg, Sweden)
SNDEncoded Audio Format (file extension; Sun and NeXT machines)
SNDSanitary Napkin Disposal
SNDSynaptic Net Dive (Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII)
SNDSub-Network Dependent
SNDStandardized Nomenclature Database
SNDSerpent Night Dragon (gaming)
SNDSequence Number Difference
SNDStack and Die (World Of Warcraft, online gaming guild)
SNDScoutNet Deutschland
SNDSelected Natural Diamond
SNDStatic No Delivery
SNDStudents for Nuclear Disarmament (Canada)
SNDSemi-Noisy Deterministic (communications channel)
SNDSan Diego Imperial Corporation (former stock symbol; now delisted)