Acronym | Definition |
APDA | American Parkinson's Disease Association |
APDA | Apple Programmers and Developers Association |
APDA | Alaska Public Defender Agency |
APDA | American Parliamentary Debate Association |
APDA | Afghan Peace and Democracy Act |
APDA | Association of Peyronie's Disease Advocates |
APDA | Application Driven Architecture |
APDA | Asian Population and Development Association |
APDA | Atomic Power Development Associates |
APDA | Atomic Power Development Association |
APDA | Association for Peace and Democracy for Afghanistan |
APDA | Association for Persons with Disabilities in Agriculture |
APDA | Adult Psychopathology and Disorders of Aging (US NIH) |
APDA | Arctic Precipitation Data Archive |
APDA | American Power Dispatchers Association |
APDA | Arizona Public Defender Association |
APDA | Androgynous Peripheral Docking Adapter |
APDA | Appliance Parts Distributors Association, Inc |
APDA | Atmospheric Pre-corrected Differential Absorption |
APDA | Androgynous Peripheral Docking Assembly (NASA) |
APDA | Acoustic Partial Discharge Analyzer |
APDA | Afram Plains District Assembly (Africa) |
APDA | Afar Pastoralists Development Association |
APDA | Auxiliary Pump Drive Assembly |
APDA | Asociación Peruana de Déficit de Atención (Peruvian Association for Attention Deficit) |
APDA | American Parts Distributors Association |
APDA | Alabama Pediatric Dental Association |
APDA | Accretion Premium Due Amount |
APDA | Association des Parents de Déficients Auditifs (Auditive Association of Retarded Adults; Mauritius) |
APDA | Asia Pacific Direct Australia |
APDA | Anomalous Propagation Detection Algorithm (fuzzy logic algorithm) |
APDA | Alabama Pediatric Dental Associates & Orthodontics (Huntsville and Madison, AL) |
APDA | Academic and Professional Development Advising |