Acronym | Definition |
SNG | Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum (Latin; British Academy numismatic research project; UK) |
SNG | Sit-N-Go (online poker tournament type) |
SNG | Scottish National Gallery (UK) |
SNG | Sonda Nasogástrica (Spanish: Nasogastric Tube) |
SNG | Société Nautique de Génève (French: Geneva Boating Society; Switzerland) |
SNG | Satellite News Gathering |
SNG | Slovenská Národná Galéria (Slovak: Slovak National Gallery) |
SNG | Synthetic Natural Gas |
SNG | Song File |
SNG | Special Needs Group (various organizations) |
SNG | Southern Natural Gas (Birmingham, AL) |
SNG | Sheyenne National Grassland (Dakota Prairie Grasslands; USFS) |
SNG | Snapp Norris Group (Salt Lake City public relations agency) |
SNG | Seward Neighborhood Group (Minnesota) |
SNG | Super Nailgun (gaming) |
SNG | Sub-National Government (political science) |
SNG | Secured Network Gateway |
SNG | Société Nouvelle de Galvanoplastie (French: Society of New Electroplating) |
SNG | Société Neuchâteloise de Géographie (French: Neuchâtel Society of Geography; Switzerland) |
SNG | Shinjuku Nihongo Gakkô (Japanese school) |
SNG | Schlesinger, Newman, Goldman (Montreal accounting firm) |
SNG | Sodruschestwo Nesawissimych Gossudarstw (Russian) |
SNG | Safety Not Guaranteed |
SNG | Substitute/Synthetic Natural Gas |
SNG | Social Networking Group |
SNG | Srpska Nacionalna Garda (Serbian National Guard) |
SNG | Somalia National Government |
SNG | Subject-Specific Notability Guideline (Wikimedia Foundation) |