SNGSylloge Nummorum Graecorum (Latin; British Academy numismatic research project; UK)
SNGSit-N-Go (online poker tournament type)
SNGScottish National Gallery (UK)
SNGSonda Nasogástrica (Spanish: Nasogastric Tube)
SNGSociété Nautique de Génève (French: Geneva Boating Society; Switzerland)
SNGSatellite News Gathering
SNGSlovenská Národná Galéria (Slovak: Slovak National Gallery)
SNGSynthetic Natural Gas
SNGSong File
SNGSpecial Needs Group (various organizations)
SNGSouthern Natural Gas (Birmingham, AL)
SNGSheyenne National Grassland (Dakota Prairie Grasslands; USFS)
SNGSnapp Norris Group (Salt Lake City public relations agency)
SNGSeward Neighborhood Group (Minnesota)
SNGSuper Nailgun (gaming)
SNGSub-National Government (political science)
SNGSecured Network Gateway
SNGSociété Nouvelle de Galvanoplastie (French: Society of New Electroplating)
SNGSociété Neuchâteloise de Géographie (French: Neuchâtel Society of Geography; Switzerland)
SNGShinjuku Nihongo Gakkô (Japanese school)
SNGSchlesinger, Newman, Goldman (Montreal accounting firm)
SNGSodruschestwo Nesawissimych Gossudarstw (Russian)
SNGSafety Not Guaranteed
SNGSubstitute/Synthetic Natural Gas
SNGSocial Networking Group
SNGSrpska Nacionalna Garda (Serbian National Guard)
SNGSomalia National Government
SNGSubject-Specific Notability Guideline (Wikimedia Foundation)