Acronym | Definition |
SFB | Skype for Business (software) |
SFB | Sonderforschungsbereich |
SFB | Special Field Boot (Nike performance boot) |
SFB | Sender Freies Berlin (German Radio and TV Station) |
SFB | San Francisco Ballet |
SFB | Storage Foundation Basic |
SFB | St. Francis Borgia |
SFB | Star Fleet Battles (game) |
SFB | Southern Farm Bureau (insurance; various locations) |
SFB | Securities and Futures Bureau (Taiwan) |
SFB | Student Finance Board (various universities) |
SFB | Society for Biomaterials |
SFB | Security Federal Bank (Aiken, SC) |
SFB | Surrey Food Bank (Canada) |
SFB | Scoobies for Boobies (breast cancer foundation) |
SFB | San Francisco Beautiful (San Francisco, CA) |
SFB | Société Française de Biophysique (French: French Society of Biophysics; est. 1982) |
SFB | Solutions for Business (Layton, UT) |
SFB | Sanford/Orlando, Florida (airport code) |
SFB | State Farm Bank |
SFB | State Forestry Bureau (China) |
SFB | ScaleFactor Band |
SFB | Scat for Brains |
SFB | Source Follower Buffer |
SFB | Société Française de Biométrie (French: French Society of Biometrics; est. 1950) |
SFB | Shulman-Feder Bound (coding scheme calculation) |
SFB | Stochastic Fair Blue (algorithm) |
SFB | Studiefinancieringsbeleid (Dutch) |
SFB | Sunken Featured Building (archaeology) |
SFB | Slim Floor Beam (construction) |
SFB | Single Flash Bank (Cisco) |
SFB | Switched Filter Bank |
SFB | Side Fire Box |
SFB | Séminaire Franco-Brésilien (French: French-Brazilian Seminar) |
SFB | Simple Failure Biasing |
SFB | Sainte Famille de Bordeaux (French: Holy Family of Bordeaux; religious congregation) |
SFB | Sciage Forage Bretagne (French: Sawing Drilling Britain; est. 1988) |
SFB | So Freaking Bored (polite form) |
SFB | Shanghai Finance Bureau |
SFB | Solicitation for Bid |
SFB | Second Family Band (band) |
SFB | Stuff For Brains (polite form) |
SFB | Solid Fuel Burner |
SFB | So Freaking Bizarre (polite form) |
SFB | Société Francilienne de Béton (French: Francilienne Concrete Company; road construction) |
SFB | Summer Free Board (Shipping) |
SFB | Smoke Fat Blunts |