Acronym | Definition |
SFCA | Short-Chain Fatty Acid (biochemistry) |
SFCA | State Foundation on Culture and the Arts (Hawaii) |
SFCA | San Francisco, California |
SFCA | Seeds of Faith Christian Academy (Indiana, PA) |
SFCA | San Francisco Choral Artists (California) |
SFCA | Scottish Federation for Coarse Angling |
SFCA | Surfactant-Free Cellulose Acetate |
SFCA | Science Fiction and Comics Association |
SFCA | Southeastern Film Critics Association |
SFCA | South Florida Cricket Alliance |
SFCA | Syndicat Français des Colles et Adhésifs (French: French Union of Glues and Adhesives) |
SFCA | Senior Signature Member of the Federation of Canadian Artists |
SFCA | Southwest Florida Christian Academy |
SFCA | Southern Florida Concierge Association |
SFCA | South Florida Composers Alliance |
SFCA | Sudan Fertility Care Association (Khartoum, Sudan) |
SFCA | Specialized Furniture Carriers Association |
SFCA | System Flow Control Assembly |
SFCA | Standard Form of Cost Analysis (UK Building Cost Information Service) |
SFCA | Société Francophone de Communication de l'Alberta (French: Francophone Communications Company of Alberta; Alberta, Canada) |
SFCA | Senior Friendly Communities of America |
SFCA | Slovak Forest Certification Association |
SFCA | Southwest Family Care Alliance (formerly Southwest Wisconsin Care Management Coalition) |
SFCA | South Florida Compliance Association |
SFCA | Suffolk Foster Carers Association (UK) |
SFCA | Santa Fe Council for the Arts (New Mexico) |
SFCA | Software Final Configuration Audit |
SFCA | square foot of contact area |
SFCA | St Francis Collegians Association (Australia) |
SFCA | State-Federal Cooperative Agreement |
SFCA | Southwest Flight Crew Association |
SFCA | Specific Function Capacity Assessment |
SFCA | Schenly Farms Civic Association |
SFCA | South Florida Claim Association |
SFCA | Secondary Fisher Conservation Area |
SFCA | Saskatchewan Floor Covering Association (Canada) |
SFCA | Severna Forest Community Association, Inc. |
SFCA | Société Franc Comtoise d'Applications (French waterproofing company) |