Acronym | Definition |
SHP | Sacred Heart Parish (various locations) |
SHP | Standards for Historic Preservation |
SHP | Security Health Plan (Wisconsin) |
SHP | Spanish for Health Professionals (various organizations) |
SHP | State Historic Park |
SHP | Supportive Housing Program (HUD) |
SHP | Student Health Plan (various schools) |
SHP | Small Hydro Plant |
SHP | Shaft Horsepower |
SHP | Saint Helena Pound (ISO currency code) |
SHP | Safety and Health Practitioner (magazine; Institution of Occupational Safety and Health; UK) |
SHP | Small Hydroelectric Plant |
SHP | Sunstone Hotel Properties, Inc. (California) |
SHP | Shape File |
SHP | Shaft Horse Power |
SHP | Shape Source |
SHP | Sosyaldemokrat Halk Partisi (Turkish: Social Democratic People's Party) |
SHP | Sean Healy Presents (booking service) |
SHP | Share Holding Pattern (investing) |
SHP | Solar and Heliospheric Physics |
SHP | Seton Hall Prep (Catholic preparatory school; West Orange, NJ; est. 1856) |
SHP | Self-Help Program (various locations) |
SHP | Sairaanhoitopiiri (Finland) |
SHP | Sacred Heart Players (theater; New York) |
SHP | Sub Health Post |
SHP | Somerset House Publishing, Inc. (Texas) |
SHP | Stakeholder Pension |
SHP | Sciurus Hosting Panel |
SHP | Short-Handed Points (hockey) |
SHP | Slough Heat Power (Slough Esatates) |
SHP | Sociedade Hípica Portuguesa (Portugese) |
SHP | Sims House Party (game) |
SHP | Standard Header Packet |
SHP | Sir Henry Parkes |
SHP | Shoulder High Productions |
SHP | Sub-Harmonically Pumped |
SHP | Social Hall Plaza |
SHP | Standard Holding Procedure |
SHP | Safe-Handling Practice (hazardous drug removal) |
SHP | Standard Hardware Program |