Acronym | Definition |
SCMA | Smith College Museum of Art |
SCMA | Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao) |
SCMA | Scottish Childminding Association (UK) |
SCMA | Sparse Code Multiple Access (wireless radios) |
SCMA | Saskatchewan Country Music Association (Canada) |
SCMA | Specialty Certified Medical Assistant (trademark of Health Information Compliance, LLC) |
SCMA | Southern California Marine Association |
SCMA | Southern California Mediation Association |
SCMA | South Carolina Medical Association |
SCMA | Schuylkill County Municipal Authority (Pennsylvania) |
SCMA | Sonoma County Medical Association (California) |
SCMA | South Carolina Manufacturers Alliance (Columbia, SC) |
SCMA | Supply Chain Management Association |
SCMA | Singapore Chamber of Maritime Arbitration |
SCMA | Stilton Cheese Makers Association |
SCMA | Soldier Career Management Agency (Australian Army) |
SCMA | Southwest Celtic Music Association |
SCMA | Southern California Mountaineers Association |
SCMA | Southern California Motorcycling Association |
SCMA | Surya Citra Media Tbk |
SCMA | Southern Cypress Manufacturers Association |
SCMA | Scirpus Maritimus (cosmopolitan bulrush) |
SCMA | Subcarrier Multiple Access |
SCMA | Standing Conference of Mediation Advocates (UK) |
SCMA | St Croix Marksmanship Association |
SCMA | Southern Cross Mathematical Association (Australia) |
SCMA | Steering Committee on Mine Action |
SCMA | Southern Circulation Managers Association |
SCMA | Standing Committee of Ministers Responsible for Agriculture |
SCMA | Southern California Mapua Alumni |
SCMA | SpectraLink Certified Messaging Application (SpectraLink Corporation) |
SCMA | South Carolina Mortgage Associates |
SCMA | Sunshine Coast Museum and Archives (Canada) |
SCMA | Student Construction Management Association |
SCMA | South Central Motorcoach Association |
SCMA | Stream-Controlled Medium Access |
SCMA | Sign Constant Modulus Algorithm |
SCMA | Small Cities Mutual Aid |
SCMA | Southern California Marksmen's Association |
SCMA | Sonoma County Music Association (Sebastopol, CA) |
SCMA | Surface Coal Mining Act of 1977 |
SCMA | Shipping Consultancy Management |
SCMA | Short Circuit Microstrip Antenna |
SCMA | South Calgary Merchants Association (Canada) |
SCMA | Spartanburg County Museum of Art (Spartanburg, SC) |
SCMA | South Carolina Merchants Association |
SCMA | Systems Communications Management Association |
SCMA | Sustainment Cost Management Annex |
SCMA | Sussex County Medical Associates (Newton, NJ) |
SCMA | Switzerland County Marriages |
SCMA | Station Configuration Monitoring Application |
SCMA | Software Configuration Management Administrator |
SCMA | Splinter Cell Map Archive |
SCMA | South Carolina Montessori Alliance |
SCMA | State College Martial Arts Academy (State College, PA) |
SCMA | St Cloud Mankato and Austin (railroad) |
SCMA | South Carolina Municipal Association |
SCMA | Solicited Commercial Mail Authorization |
SCMA | South Carolina Mining Association |
SCMA | Summary Court Martial Authority |
SCMA | Spanish Country Music Association |
SCMA | South Canterbury Microlight Association (UK) |
SCMA | South Carolina Marina Association |
SCMA | Southern California Metro Area |
SCMA | Surface Coal Mining Activities |
SCMA | Surface Coal Mining Application |