Acronym | Definition |
SAVE | Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (Rockville, MD) |
SAVE | Society Against Violence in Education (India) |
SAVE | Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (US Immigration and Naturalization Service) |
SAVE | Suicide Awareness Voices of Education |
SAVE | Students Against Violence Everywhere (anti-bullying student organization) |
SAVE | State of the Art Audio Visual Equipment (California) |
SAVE | Struggle Against Violent Extremism |
SAVE | Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act of 2013 |
SAVE | Shareware Autoren Vereinigung |
SAVE | Society of American Value Engineers |
SAVE | Specific Actions for Vigorous Energy Efficiency (EU) |
SAVE | Source Address Validity Enforcement Protocol |
SAVE | Spoonbill Action Voluntary Echo |
SAVE | SAARC Audio Visual Exchange |
SAVE | System Availability Estimator |
SAVE | Simulation Assessment Validation Environment |
SAVE | Students Actively Volunteering for the Environment |
SAVE | Sisters Against Violent Extremism |
SAVE | Stop Alcohol Violations Early |
SAVE | Students Against the Violation of the Environment |
SAVE | Sensitive Activity Vulnerability Estimate |
SAVE | Savings through Value Enhancement |
SAVE | Sisters Against Violence Europe |
SAVE | Students Against A Violent Earth |
SAVE | System Avionics Value Estimation |
SAVE | Status Assistance & Verification Element |
SAVE | Shortages And Valuable Excess |
SAVE | Situation Analysis & Vulnerability Estimate |