SAVEStop Abusive and Violent Environments (Rockville, MD)
SAVESociety Against Violence in Education (India)
SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (US Immigration and Naturalization Service)
SAVESuicide Awareness Voices of Education
SAVEStudents Against Violence Everywhere (anti-bullying student organization)
SAVEState of the Art Audio Visual Equipment (California)
SAVEStruggle Against Violent Extremism
SAVECampus Sexual Violence Elimination Act of 2013
SAVEShareware Autoren Vereinigung
SAVESociety of American Value Engineers
SAVESpecific Actions for Vigorous Energy Efficiency (EU)
SAVESource Address Validity Enforcement Protocol
SAVESpoonbill Action Voluntary Echo
SAVESAARC Audio Visual Exchange
SAVESystem Availability Estimator
SAVESimulation Assessment Validation Environment
SAVEStudents Actively Volunteering for the Environment
SAVESisters Against Violent Extremism
SAVEStop Alcohol Violations Early
SAVEStudents Against the Violation of the Environment
SAVESensitive Activity Vulnerability Estimate
SAVESavings through Value Enhancement
SAVESisters Against Violence Europe
SAVEStudents Against A Violent Earth
SAVESystem Avionics Value Estimation
SAVEStatus Assistance & Verification Element
SAVEShortages And Valuable Excess
SAVESituation Analysis & Vulnerability Estimate