Acronym | Definition |
SHF | Super High Frequency (3-30 GHz; 10-1cm) |
SHF | Super High Frequency |
SHF | Shifts (Hockey) |
SHF | Systolic Heart Failure (cardiology) |
SHF | Sociedad Hipotecaria Federal (México, low income mortgage program, formerly FOVI) |
SHF | Simple Hands Free |
SHF | Stateful Hardware Failover |
SHF | Sydney Heritage Fleet (marine heritage; Sydney, Australia) |
SHF | State Highway Fund (various locations) |
SHF | State Historical Fund (Colorado) |
SHF | Société Hippique Française (French: French Equine Society; Paris, France; est. 1865) |
SHF | Safe and Healthy Families (medical and mental health care for abuse victims) |
SHF | Singapore Heart Foundation |
SHF | Sensible Heat Factor |
SHF | Sisters of the Holy Family (religious order) |
SHF | Shining Force (game) |
SHF | Société Herpétologique de France |
SHF | Steelworkers Humanity Fund (United Steelworkers) |
SHF | Seven Holy Founders (Catholic School, Affton, MO) |
SHF | Simian Hemorrhagic Fever |
SHF | Société Honoraire de Français (French Honor Society) |
SHF | Shawn Hornbeck Foundation (Missouri) |
SHF | Single Hedge Fund |
SHF | Société de l'Histoire de France (Society for French History) |
SHF | Single Hispanic Female |
SHF | Sanitarium Health Food Company (Australia & New Zealand) |
SHF | Stockholms Herpetologiska Förening (Sweden) |
SHF | Superhyperfine |
SHF | Settlement Housing Fund |
SHF | Shareholders Fund |
SHF | Siberian Husky France (dog club; France) |
SHF | Separating Hash Family |
SHF | Saskatchewan Horse Federation Inc. (Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada) |
SHF | Ship's History File |
SHF | Storage Handling Facility |
SHF | Salisbury House Foundation (Des Moines, Iowa) |
SHF | Southern Housing Foundation |
SHF | specific health function |
SHF | Stainless Hose Fittings |