SHFSuper High Frequency (3-30 GHz; 10-1cm)
SHFSuper High Frequency
SHFShifts (Hockey)
SHFSystolic Heart Failure (cardiology)
SHFSociedad Hipotecaria Federal (México, low income mortgage program, formerly FOVI)
SHFSimple Hands Free
SHFStateful Hardware Failover
SHFSydney Heritage Fleet (marine heritage; Sydney, Australia)
SHFState Highway Fund (various locations)
SHFState Historical Fund (Colorado)
SHFSociété Hippique Française (French: French Equine Society; Paris, France; est. 1865)
SHFSafe and Healthy Families (medical and mental health care for abuse victims)
SHFSingapore Heart Foundation
SHFSensible Heat Factor
SHFSisters of the Holy Family (religious order)
SHFShining Force (game)
SHFSociété Herpétologique de France
SHFSteelworkers Humanity Fund (United Steelworkers)
SHFSeven Holy Founders (Catholic School, Affton, MO)
SHFSimian Hemorrhagic Fever
SHFSociété Honoraire de Français (French Honor Society)
SHFShawn Hornbeck Foundation (Missouri)
SHFSingle Hedge Fund
SHFSociété de l'Histoire de France (Society for French History)
SHFSingle Hispanic Female
SHFSanitarium Health Food Company (Australia & New Zealand)
SHFStockholms Herpetologiska Förening (Sweden)
SHFSettlement Housing Fund
SHFShareholders Fund
SHFSiberian Husky France (dog club; France)
SHFSeparating Hash Family
SHFSaskatchewan Horse Federation Inc. (Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada)
SHFShip's History File
SHFStorage Handling Facility
SHFSalisbury House Foundation (Des Moines, Iowa)
SHFSouthern Housing Foundation
SHFspecific health function
SHFStainless Hose Fittings