APEAlternative Press Expo
APEAttestato Di Prestazione Energetica (Italian: Certificate Of Energy Performance)
APEAdapted Physical Education
APEAccords de Partenariat Économique (French)
APEAssociation des Parents d'Elèves (French: Association of Parents of Students; various locations)
APEAllocation Parentale d'Éducation (French: child-raising allowance)
APEAvailable Potential Energy (meteorology)
APEAbsolute Pointing Error
APEAll Paths Explorer
APEApplication Protocols Entities
APEApplication Performance Explorer
APEAdvanced Product Editor
APEAll Purpose Electronic Computer
APEAutomated Performance Enhancement
APEAbsolute Pitch Encoding
APEActual Parameter Expression
APEAsynchronous Processing Element
APEApplication Engineering
APEAnnual Premium Equivalent (insurance)
APEArea of Potential Effect
APEArtists' Project Earth (UK)
APEAeropyrum Pernix
APEActivité Principale Exercée (French)
APEAssessment, Planning and Evaluation (various locations)
APEAntígeno Prostático Específico (Spanish: Prostate Specific Antigen)
APEAgir pour l'Environnement (French: Action for the Environment)
APEAssociation for the Protection of the Environment
APEActivité Principale de l'Entreprise
APEAcute Pulmonary Embolism
APEAgainst Primate Experiments
APEAmmunition Peculiar Equipment
APEAutomated Production Equipment
APEArnold Palmer Enterprises (sports)
APEAlkyl Phenol Ethoxylate
APEAnalyse et Politique Economiques (French: Economic Analysis and Policy; educational program)
APEAverage Percent Error (statistics)
APEAnnual Physical Examination
APEApplication Performance Explorer (Microsoft)
APEAdvanced Placement English
APEAgency to Prevent Evil (from Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp TV show)
APEBig Action Performance Ensemble (Gainesville, FL)
APEAurora Photography Experiment
APEAdvanced Process Equipment
APEAnnual Performance Evaluation
APEAnimal Project Editor (Zoo Tycoon game)
APEAutomatisme Protection Electronique (French: Automatic Electronic Protection; security company)
APEAdvanced Production Engineering
APEAerosol Photoemission
APEAmerican Piledriving Equipment, Inc
APEArmy Program Element (used in Army funding documents)
APEAdvances in Policy Enforcement (workshop)
APEAlternative Primate Evolution (geocaching promotion)
APEArea Project Engineer
APEAlways Pray Everyday
APEArmy Preliminary Evaluation
APEAntenna Pointing Electronics
APEAllocation Perte d'Emploi (French: Allowance for Loss of Employment)
APEAsymptotic Phasefront Extraction
APEAlternate Property Editor (Borland Software)
APEAttitude Processing Electronics
APEApparatus, Personnel, Equipment (firefighting)
APEAction Plan Element
APEApplication Protocols Entity
APEAttitude and Power Electronic
APEAll Purpose Employee
APEAerial Port Element
APEAntenna Positioning Equipment
APEAdvocates for Primate Empowerment
APEAuto-Covariance Preserving Estimator
APEAssociate Pastor Emeritus (religious office or title)
APEAgent-initiated Underwriting Evaluator (insurance)
APEAssociation Fédérale Internationale de la Presse Eurafricaine (French)
APEAnnual Planning Estimate
APEApreto Peto i Exploto
APEAnnotated Points-to Escape (graph)
APEAngus Promotional Enterprises (Canada)