Acronym | Definition |
SAB | Scientific Advisory Board |
SAB | Science Advisory Board (EPA) |
SAB | Staff Accounting Bulletin |
SAB | Student Activities Board |
SAB | School of American Ballet |
SAB | Switched at Birth |
SAB | Study Abroad |
SAB | Skeptic's Annotated Bible |
SAB | Sociedade Astronomica Brasileira (Portuguese: Brazilian Astronomical Society) |
SAB | System Advisory Board |
SAB | Single Amplifier Biquadratic |
SAB | Strategic Advisory Board |
SAB | Session Awareness Block |
SAB | Source Address Bus |
SAB | Supervisory Alarm Battery |
SAB | Sync Address Bus |
SAB | Secondary Application Block |
SAB | Stack Access Block |
SAB | Satellite Analysis Branch (NOAA) |
SAB | Super Adventure Box (gaming) |
SAB | Soprano, Alto, Baritone (sheet music parts) |
SAB | Same As Above |
SAB | Serum Antibody |
SAB | Spontaneous Abortion |
SAB | School Administration Building (various locations) |
SAB | Separated At Birth |
SAB | Special Administrative Board (Missouri) |
SAB | Samuel Adams Beer (Boston, MA) |
SAB | Service Area Boundary (telecommunications) |
SAB | Side Air Bag |
SAB | Start at Beginning |
SAB | South African Breweries PLC |
SAB | Short-Acting Bronchodilator (inhaler) |
SAB | Same As Before |
SAB | Socially Acceptable Behavior (psychology test) |
SAB | Saba Island, Netherlands Antilles (Airport Code) |
SAB | Steve A. Baker (game designer) |
SAB | State Anatomical Board (various locations) |
SAB | Standard Air Bag |
SAB | Saskatchewan Archives Board (Canada) |
SAB | Space Age Bachelor |
SAB | Studio Arts Building (various schools) |
SAB | Saskatchewan Arts Board |
SAB | Semi-Autonomous Body (various locations) |
SAB | Sensor/Actuator Bus |
SAB | Soprano Alto Bass (sheet music parts) |
SAB | Société Astronomique de Bourgogne (French: Astronomical Society of Burgundy) |
SAB | Statutory Accident Benefit (insurance; Canada) |
SAB | Spacecraft Assembly Building (Jet Propulsion Laboratory; US NASA) |
SAB | Standards Activity Board (IEEE Computer Society) |
SAB | Special Advisory Board |
SAB | Swiss American Bank |
SAB | Separate Armored Brigade |
SAB | Smoke A Blunt |
SAB | Self Activating Bell |
SAB | Sociedad Anónima Bursátil |
SAB | Supplemental Aid to the Blind |
SAB | Subject As Above |
SAB | Space Applications Board |
SAB | Solidarite Afghanistan Belgium |
SAB | Sell A Band (website) |
SAB | Smoke A Bowl |
SAB | Satellite Assembly Building (NASA) |
SAB | Stick Arena Ballistick (video game) |
SAB | Storage and Assembly Building (NASA) |
SAB | Serious Aeolian Belfry (band) |
SAB | Server Address Book |
SAB | Superior Auto Body |
SAB | Safety Authorization Basis |
SAB | Siege Assault Bot (gaming, Supreme Commander) |
SAB | Shared Avionics Bench |
SAB | Sell At Best |
SAB | Self Abusive Behaviour |
SAB | Scrabble Advisory Board |
SAB | Secretarial Advisory Board |
SAB | Special Actions Branch |
SAB | Saudi Agricultural Bank |
SAB | Self Adjusting Brake (ratcheting device) |
SAB | Strong Base Anion |
SAB | Special Accounts Blanks (SOEX) |
SAB | SuDS (Sustainable Drainage System) Approving Body (UK) |
SAB | Singapore Armor Battalion |
SAB | System Analysis Branch |
SAB | Shanghai Audit Bureau |
SAB | Sexy American Boyfriend |
SAB | Suwon Air Base (Suwon City, Kyong-Gi Province, ROK) |
SAB | Sound Attenuation Batts |
SAB | Sniper At Bay |
SAB | Stress Assessment Battery |
SAB | Strategic Aligned Business |