Acronym | Definition |
SABRE | Synergistic Air-Breathing Rocket Engine (Reaction Engines Ltd.) |
SABRE | Storage Area Backup and Recovery Engine |
SABRE | Semi Automated Business Research Environment |
SABRE | Superior Achievement in Branding and Reputation (Scotland) |
SABRE | Salary and Benefits Report |
SABRE | Supporting Britain's Reservists and Employers |
SABRE | Society for All British Road Enthusiasts |
SABRE | Software Architecture Based Requirements Engineering |
SABRE | Semi-Automated Business Research Environment |
SABRE | Shallow-water Assault Breaching System |
SABRE | Semi-Automatic Business-Related Environment |
SABRE | Serious Adverse Blood Reactions and Events (reporting system; UK Blood Safety and Quality Regulations) |
SABRE | Surveillance and Automated Business Reporting Engine |
SABRE | Supplier Advanced Business Relationship (Aerospace) |
SABRE | Single Army Battlefield Requirements Evaluator |
SABRE | Supply Analysis for Better Responsiveness & Effectiveness |
SABRE | Self-Aligning Boost and Reentry |
SABRE | Secured Airborne Radar Equipment |
SABRE | Space Agricultural Biology Research and Education Institute (NASA) |
SABRE | Single Access Bilateral Resources Enterprise |
SABRE | Store Access Bus Recording Equipment |
SABRE | Semi-Automated Business Reservations Environment |