SABRESynergistic Air-Breathing Rocket Engine (Reaction Engines Ltd.)
SABREStorage Area Backup and Recovery Engine
SABRESemi Automated Business Research Environment
SABRESuperior Achievement in Branding and Reputation (Scotland)
SABRESalary and Benefits Report
SABRESupporting Britain's Reservists and Employers
SABRESociety for All British Road Enthusiasts
SABRESoftware Architecture Based Requirements Engineering
SABRESemi-Automated Business Research Environment
SABREShallow-water Assault Breaching System
SABRESemi-Automatic Business-Related Environment
SABRESerious Adverse Blood Reactions and Events (reporting system; UK Blood Safety and Quality Regulations)
SABRESurveillance and Automated Business Reporting Engine
SABRESupplier Advanced Business Relationship (Aerospace)
SABRESingle Army Battlefield Requirements Evaluator
SABRESupply Analysis for Better Responsiveness & Effectiveness
SABRESelf-Aligning Boost and Reentry
SABRESecured Airborne Radar Equipment
SABRESpace Agricultural Biology Research and Education Institute (NASA)
SABRESingle Access Bilateral Resources Enterprise
SABREStore Access Bus Recording Equipment
SABRESemi-Automated Business Reservations Environment