Acronym | Definition |
SACC | Sexual Assault Care Coordinator (US DoD) |
SACC | School-Age Child Care |
SACC | Standard Australian Classification of Countries (Australia) |
SACC | Surgical and Critical Care |
SACC | San Antonio Community College (Texas) |
SACC | Support and Call Control |
SACC | South African Council of Churches |
SACC | Standard Acquisition Clauses and Conditions (Canada) |
SACC | San Antonio Country Club (Texas) |
SACC | Shizuoka Air Commuter Corporation (Japan) |
SACC | Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce (Maryland) |
SACC | San Antonio Convention Center (Texas) |
SACC | Salvation Army Community Center (various locations) |
SACC | Salem Chamber of Commerce (Oregon) |
SACC | South African Constitutional Court |
SACC | Saudi Airlines Cargo Company (Saudi Arabia) |
SACC | Sexual Assault Crisis Center |
SACC | Science Advisory and Coordinating Committee (American Heart Association) |
SACC | Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce (Santa Ana, CA) |
SACC | Supporting Arms Coordination Center |
SACC | South Arkansas Community College (El Dorado) |
SACC | Syndicat des Agents Correctionnels du Canada (Union of Canadian Correctional Officers) |
SACC | Student Academic Consulting Center |
SACC | Self-Organization and Adaptation of Computing and Communications |
SACC | Southeast Alaska Conservation Council |
SACC | Slow Associated Control Channel |
SACC | Strategic and Advanced Computing Center |
SACC | Service Aware Charging & Control |
SACC | San Antonio Contracting Center |
SACC | Society Against Cruelty to Crichton (fanfic group) |
SACC | Stand Alone Common Core (US Army BNCOC) |
SACC | Swedish-American Chambers of Commerce of USA, Inc. (Alexandria, VA) |
SACC | Single Access Control Coordinator |
SACC | Science and Applications Computing Center |
SACC | Shore ASW Command Center |
SACC | Substance Abuse Control Committee |
SACC | Shell Agricultural Chemical Company |
SACC | Supplemental Air Carrier Conference |