SACCSexual Assault Care Coordinator (US DoD)
SACCSchool-Age Child Care
SACCStandard Australian Classification of Countries (Australia)
SACCSurgical and Critical Care
SACCSan Antonio Community College (Texas)
SACCSupport and Call Control
SACCSouth African Council of Churches
SACCStandard Acquisition Clauses and Conditions (Canada)
SACCSan Antonio Country Club (Texas)
SACCShizuoka Air Commuter Corporation (Japan)
SACCSalisbury Area Chamber of Commerce (Maryland)
SACCSan Antonio Convention Center (Texas)
SACCSalvation Army Community Center (various locations)
SACCSalem Chamber of Commerce (Oregon)
SACCSouth African Constitutional Court
SACCSaudi Airlines Cargo Company (Saudi Arabia)
SACCSexual Assault Crisis Center
SACCScience Advisory and Coordinating Committee (American Heart Association)
SACCSanta Ana Chamber of Commerce (Santa Ana, CA)
SACCSupporting Arms Coordination Center
SACCSouth Arkansas Community College (El Dorado)
SACCSyndicat des Agents Correctionnels du Canada (Union of Canadian Correctional Officers)
SACCStudent Academic Consulting Center
SACCSelf-Organization and Adaptation of Computing and Communications
SACCSoutheast Alaska Conservation Council
SACCSlow Associated Control Channel
SACCStrategic and Advanced Computing Center
SACCService Aware Charging & Control
SACCSan Antonio Contracting Center
SACCSociety Against Cruelty to Crichton (fanfic group)
SACCStand Alone Common Core (US Army BNCOC)
SACCSwedish-American Chambers of Commerce of USA, Inc. (Alexandria, VA)
SACCSingle Access Control Coordinator
SACCScience and Applications Computing Center
SACCShore ASW Command Center
SACCSubstance Abuse Control Committee
SACCShell Agricultural Chemical Company
SACCSupplemental Air Carrier Conference