Acronym | Definition |
SAN | Storage Area Network |
SAN | Spirit and Nature (Internet group) |
SAN | South Asian Network |
SAN | Sanitization |
SAN | Styrene Acrylonitrile |
SAN | Self-Assembled Nanoparticle |
SAN | Subscriber Account Number |
SAN | Sustainable Agriculture Network (USDA) |
SAN | Scientifically Advanced Nutrition (supplements) |
SAN | South African Navy |
SAN | Sinoatrial Node |
SAN | Server Area Network |
SAN | Storage Access Networking |
SAN | Subject Alternative Name (variant web hosting name) |
SAN | System Area Network |
SAN | Senior Advocate of Nigeria |
SAN | Syndicat d'Agglomeration Nouvelle (French: New Union of Agglomeration) |
SAN | SEMA Action Network |
SAN | Strong Acid Number (petroleum and lubricant industry) |
SAN | Senior Action Network |
SAN | Standard Address Number |
SAN | Sila and the AfroFunk (band) |
SAN | Spinal Accessory Nerve |
SAN | Sandeels (FAO species name code) |
SAN | San Andreas News (gaming) |
SAN | Standard Algebraic Notation (chess) |
SAN | Small Area Network |
SAN | Sensor Actuator Network |
SAN | Société d'Astronomie de Nantes (French: Astronomical Society of Nantes) |
SAN | San Francisco Operations Office (US DOE) |
SAN | Security Assistance Network |
SAN | Subscriber-Access Network (Cisco) |
SAN | Stochastic Activity Network |
SAN | Stochastic Automata Network |
SAN | San Diego, CA, USA - Lindbergh International Airport (Airport Code) |
SAN | System Alert Notification (Alcatel) |
SAN | Secondary Access Node |
SAN | Sanabria's Air Post Catalog (philatelic catalog) |
SAN | Secure Area Network |
SAN | Small Access Node |
SAN | Short Area Network |
SAN | Service Advisory Notice |
SAN | Safeguards Accountability Network |
SAN | Suburban Anti-Terrorist Network |
SAN | System Advisory Notice |
SAN | Statlig sektorns arbetsmiljönämnd (Swedish: Joint Work Environment Council for the Government Sector) |