Acronym | Definition |
TGSL | Texas Guaranteed Student Loan |
TGSL | Torrance Girls Softball League (California) |
TGSL | Turfloop Graduate School of Leadership (South Africa) |
TGSL | Transactor Global Solutions Limited (UK) |
TGSL | Tibeter Gemeinschaft in der Schweiz und Liechtenstein (German: Tibetan Community in Switzerland and Liechtenstein) |
TGSL | Thinksoft Global Services Limited (India) |
TGSL | Talleyville Girls Softball League (Delaware) |
TGSL | Taunton Girls Softball League (Massachusetts) |
TGSL | Taylor Girls Softball League (Kokomo, IN) |
TGSL | Turnpike Girls Softball League (Pennsylvania) |
TGSL | Technischer Gebäudeservice Leipzig (German: Technical Building Service Leipzig; Leipzig, Germany) |
TGSL | Together for Globally Safe Labor (interest group) |
TGSL | Tewksbury Girls Softball League (Massachusetts) |