WSAWeb Sphere Application
WSAWinchester School of Art (UK)
WSAWyoming State Archives
WSAWorld Summit Award (mobile content)
WSAWafer Supply Agreement (semiconductor manufacturing)
WSAWall Street Associates (Tokyo, Japan)
WSAWorld Steel Association (industry group)
WSAWorld Service Authority (est. 1954; Washington, DC)
WSAWeb Service Architecture
WSAWeb Services Addressing
WSAWeb Standards Awards
WSAWindows Sockets Api
WSAWilderness Study Areas
WSAWeb Services Architecture (Bow Street)
WSAWilbur Smith Associates
WSAWhole School Approach (various locations)
WSAWar Shipping Administration (World War Ii)
WSAWorld Shoe Association
WSAWorkers Solidarity Alliance
WSAWausau Signature Agency (Wausau, WI)
WSAWet Sulphuric Acid
WSAWekiva Study Area (Florida)
WSAWashington Software Alliance
WSAWater and Sewer Authority (Washington, DC)
WSAWilderness Preservation System
WSAWilliams Syndrome Association
WSAWeapons Storage Area
WSAWheelchair Sports Australia
WSAWater Supply Act
WSAWorld Snowmobile Association
WSAWireless Security Auditor
WSAWestern States Affiliate (American Heart Association)
WSAWorld Sleddog Association
WSAWater Services Authority (South Africa)
WSAWorld Snooker Association
WSAWindows Sockets API (aka Winsock Application)
WSAWell Spouse Association
WSAWarship Support Agency
WSAWine and Spirit Association (London, UK)
WSAWomen's Student Association
WSAWorkforce Service Area
WSAWestern Sunbathing Association (AANR region)
WSAWest Sound Academy
WSAWestern Suppliers Association
WSAWilliam Self Associates
WSAWorld Socialist Alliance (gaming, Red Alert 2)
WSAWorld Student Association
WSAWinsock Application (aka Windows Sockets API; programming interface)
WSAWorkplace Standards Authority (Australia)
WSAWestern Sahara Authority (UN)
WSAWisconsin Society of Anesthesiologists
WSAWomen Scientist Advisors
WSAWheelchair Sports Alberta (Canada)
WSAWeb Site Administrator
WSAWelsh Socialist Alliance
WSAWall Street Analytics, Inc.
WSAWomen's Scuba Association
WSAWhole School Assembly
WSAWyzsza Szkola Agrobiznesu (Lomza, Poland)
WSAWow Strong Arms
WSAWilliams, Stern & Associates
WSAWahsatch Shooters Association
WSAWashington Shotokan Association
WSAWarfare Systems Architect
WSAWatercolor Society of America
WSAWashington Staffing Association
WSAWalking Start Address (reliability testing)
WSAWarwick Soccer Association (Rhode Island)
WSAWilliam Stucky & Associates Inc.
WSAWeapons Systems Analysis
WSAWeald School Association
WSAWake-Sleep Algorithm
WSAWinter Storm Alert
WSAWeb Services Authorization (Oasis)
WSAWork Statement and Authorization
WSAWebSphere Advanced Edition (IBM)
WSAWeather Sensing Antenna
WSAWhite Student Alliance
WSAWorld Sport Fighting Association
WSAWaveguide Slot Array
WSAWeapon/Warfare Systems Acquisition/Architect
WSAWafer Slip Abnormality
WSAWing Staff Agency (US DoD)
WSAWest of Scotland Advisory Council (UK)
WSAWire Sizing Amps
WSAWater Solutions for Africa, Inc. (New York)