Acronym | Definition |
WSB | World Superbike |
WSB | World Series of Boxing (International Boxing Association) |
WSB | Wall Street Bets (Reddit community) |
WSB | Wildlife Society Bulletin (peer-reviewed publication) |
WSB | Wage Stabilization Board |
WSB | Walking School Bus (various locations) |
WSB | Windows Sidebar |
WSB | Web Server Bundle |
WSB | Wavetable Sound Blaster |
WSB | Windows Server Backup (Microsoft) |
WSB | World Series Baseball (Sega game) |
WSB | Washington Savings Bank (stock symbol) |
WSB | Water Soluble Bag |
WSB | Wheat Soya Blend (food) |
WSB | World Savings Bank |
WSB | Water Spray Boiler (US NASA) |
WSB | Welcome South Brother (radio) |
WSB | Web Service Broker |
WSB | Weak Stability Boundary |
WSB | Wireless Service Broker |
WSB | West Seattle Bridge |
WSB | Washington Sängerbund |
WSB | White Stem Borer |
WSB | WAP Service Broker (CMG Telecommunications) |
WSB | Women-Owned Small Business |
WSB | Warm Standby |
WSB | Will Send Boat |
WSB | Welfare Services Branch (Philipines) |
WSB | World Series of Bocce (Rome, NY) |
WSB | We're So Blogging |
WSB | Westwood Storyboard Internet (Internet and Web Host provider) |
WSB | Web Solution Business |
WSB | Wausau Symphony & Band (Wausau, WI) |
WSB | Wells Storey Bhasin, Inc. (Wolfeboro, NH) |