Acronym | Definition |
SSA | Social Security Administration |
SSA | Selective Service Administration |
SSA | Software Support Activity |
SSA | Source Selection Authority/Advisory |
SSA | Social Security Act |
SSA | Sub-Saharan Africa |
SSA | Specific Surface Area (solid property) |
SSA | Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (India) |
SSA | Soaring Society of America |
SSA | Same-Sex Attraction |
SSA | Society for the Study of Addiction (England, UK) |
SSA | Secretaría de Salud (México) |
SSA | Seismological Society of America |
SSA | Social Services Abstracts (journal) |
SSA | Shan State Army (Burma) |
SSA | Single-Scattering Albedo (electromagnetic radiation) |
SSA | South Suburban Airport (Illinois) |
SSA | Static Single Assignment |
SSA | Special Service Area (property tax to fund redevelopment of rundown buisness districts) |
SSA | Social Security Agency (UK) |
SSA | Saitama Super Arena (Saitama, Japan) |
SSA | Supervisory Special Agent |
SSA | Self Storage Association |
SSA | Senior Special Agent |
SSA | Statistical Society of Australia |
SSA | Senior Staff Attorney |
SSA | System Security Administrator |
SSA | Systems Services of America (various locations) |
SSA | Specific Support Action |
SSA | System Safety Assessment |
SSA | Single Spin Asymmetry |
SSA | Stevedoring Services of America (Seattle, WA) |
SSA | System Safety Analysis (avionics) |
SSA | System Security Assessment |
SSA | Scottish Sports Association (UK) |
SSA | Statistics South Africa |
SSA | System Software Associates (various locations) |
SSA | Sector-Specific Agency (US Department of Homeland Security) |
SSA | St. Scholastica Academy (various locations) |
SSA | Sulfosalicylic Acid (reagent) |
SSA | Single Static Assignment (computer programming) |
SSA | Senior Security Advisor |
SSA | Social Security Association |
SSA | Sveriges Sändareamatörer (Swedish: Swedish Amateur Transmitter) |
SSA | Sat Sri Akal |
SSA | Somatostatin Analog (medical treatment) |
SSA | Swimming South Africa |
SSA | Société Suisse des Auteurs (French: Swiss Society of Authors) |
SSA | School Self-Assessment (various locations) |
SSA | School of Social Service Administration (University of Chicago; Illinois) |
SSA | Sygate Security Agent |
SSA | Serial Storage Architecture |
SSA | Super Systems Administrator |
SSA | Sql Server Agent |
SSA | Self Servicing Account |
SSA | Sun System Analysis |
SSA | Security Server Agent |
SSA | Start of Selected Area |
SSA | Segment Search Argument |
SSA | Sub Station Alpha |
SSA | Snmp Sub Agent |
SSA | Standard Spending Assessment (UK) |
SSA | Sewage Sludge Ash (admixture to concrete or mortar) |
SSA | Supply Support Activity (AR 310-50) |
SSA | Serial Storage Architecture (ANSI X3710.1) |
SSA | Steady State Approximation (reaction kinetics/physical chemistry) |
SSA | Salmonella-Shigella Agar |
SSA | Short Sale Addendum (real estate) |
SSA | Ski & Snowboard Australia |
SSA | Soprano Soprano Alto (sheet music parts) |
SSA | Service Support Agreement (various companies) |
SSA | Space Situational Awareness |
SSA | Stock Subscription Agreement |
SSA | Software Support Agreement (various organizations) |
SSA | Sickle Cell Anemia (medical disorder) |
SSA | Shady Side Academy (Pittsburgh, PA) |
SSA | Slip Slidin' Away |
SSA | Seafood Services Australia (Queensland, Australia) |
SSA | State Space Analysis |
SSA | Support Services of Alaska |
SSA | Side Saddle Association (riding) |
SSA | Secondary Switching Area |
SSA | State Street Associates (Cambridge, MA) |
SSA | Supply Systems Analyst |
SSA | Significant Scientific Agreement (US FDA) |
SSA | School Safety Agent (New York) |
SSA | System Security Analysis |
SSA | Salvador, Bahia, Brazil - Dois De Julho (Airport Code) |
SSA | Sponsored Search Advertising |
SSA | Secondary Service Area (various organizations) |
SSA | Statewide Single Audit (various locations) |
SSA | Security State Assessment (software) |
SSA | Society of Southwest Archivists |
SSA | Service de Santé des Armées (French: Department of Army Health) |
SSA | Solomon Schechter Academy (New London, CT) |
SSA | School Superintendents of Alabama |
SSA | Safety & Security Asia (trade show) |
SSA | Sensitive Sea Area (ecology) |
SSA | Sole-Source Aquifer |
SSA | Singapore Soka Association |
SSA | Summer Science Academy (various schools) |
SSA | Atlantic Silverside (FAO fish species code) |
SSA | Staff Support Activity |
SSA | Security System Analyzer (software) |
SSA | Southern Shrimp Alliance |
SSA | School of Social Administration (various schools) |
SSA | System Support Activity |
SSA | Southeastern Software Association |
SSA | S-Band Single Access (Hubble Telescope data processor) |
SSA | Semiconductor Safety Association |
SSA | Special Security Agreement |
SSA | Supply Support Area (US DoD) |
SSA | Subscriber Service Agreement (various companies) |
SSA | Sector Skills Agreement (UK) |
SSA | Service Support Administration (various organizations) |
SSA | Standard Service Agreement |
SSA | Secretaría de Salubridad y Asistencia (Mexican Health Secretariat) |
SSA | Supply Support Agreement |
SSA | Service Statistique Académique (French: Academic Statistics Service) |
SSA | Supply Support Arrangements |
SSA | Special Support Activity (NSA) |
SSA | Search Software America |
SSA | Sun Sensor Assembly |
SSA | Single Shared Assessment |
SSA | Society of Scottish Artists |
SSA | Special Services Administrator (various organizations) |
SSA | Scottish Society for Autism (UK) |
SSA | Solid State Amplifier |
SSA | Singapore Swimming Association |
SSA | Situational Safety Awareness (various companies) |
SSA | Strategic Supply Agreement |
SSA | SPARC Storage Array |
SSA | Survivable Systems Analysis (communications infrastructure) |
SSA | Signal Security Agency |
SSA | Seacoast Shipyard Association |
SSA | Side Side Angle (geometry) |
SSA | Solar System Ambassador (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory) |
SSA | Sydenham Sportsmen's Association (Canada) |
SSA | Service Specialists Association |
SSA | Strapdown Sensor Assembly (US DoD) |
SSA | Sisters of St. Ann (religious order) |
SSA | Space Suit Assembly |
SSA | Service Station Association Ltd (Australia) |
SSA | Ship's Stores Ashore (US Navy) |
SSA | State Socialism and Anarchism |
SSA | Singapore Student Association |
SSA | Show Stable Artisans (equestrian jewelry) |
SSA | Spatial Systems Associates, Inc. (Columbia, MD) |
SSA | Singular Spectral Analysis |
SSA | Small Slope Approximation |
SSA | Senior State Advisor |
SSA | Société Suisse des Américanistes (French: Swiss Society of Americanists) |
SSA | Southwestern Sociological Association |
SSA | Sporting Shooters Association (Australia) |
SSA | Specialty Sleep Association |
SSA | Singapore Scout Association |
SSA | Secular Students Alliance |
SSA | Structured Settlement Alliance (direct funding assistance) |
SSA | Shipbuilders and Ship-repairers Association |
SSA | Spojene Staty Americke (Czech: United States of America) |
SSA | Southern Surgical Association |
SSA | Self-Structuring Antenna |
SSA | Société de Stylistique Anglaise (French: Society of English Stylistics) |
SSA | Simian Society of America |
SSA | Singapore Shooting Association |
SSA | Student Science Association |
SSA | Similarity Structure Analysis |
SSA | Software Support Agency |
SSA | Single Sailors Association |
SSA | Swiss Surfing Association (Switzerland) |
SSA | Spartan School of Aeronautics |
SSA | Simple Stereo Architecture |
SSA | Sonoran Sea Aquarium (Tucson, Arizona) |
SSA | Security Supporting Assistance |
SSA | Supervisory Staff Administrator |
SSA | Southsea Shakespeare Actors |
SSA | Small Station Association (Public Television) |
SSA | Supporting Supply Activity |
SSA | Subscriber's Savings Account (United Services Automobile Association) |
SSA | SATCOM Signal Analyzer |
SSA | Society Security Administration |
SSA | Software Sneak Analysis |
SSA | Space Shuttle America (amusement park ride) |
SSA | Sector Safe Altitude (aviation) |
SSA | System Support Administrator |
SSA | Small-Scale Area |
SSA | Station Select Address |
SSA | Sub-System Allowed |
SSA | Software Specification Assistant |
SSA | Soulshot A Grade (Lineage 2 game) |
SSA | Student Services Association |
SSA | Special Somatic Afferents |
SSA | Singapore Scout Movement |
SSA | Security Support Activity |
SSA | System Specific Alias (IBM mainframes) |
SSA | System Support Analysis |
SSA | Synaptophysin-Stained Area |
SSA | Super Systems Administrator (higher privilege level than Systems Administrator) |
SSA | Supportive Service Assistant (education) |
SSA | Soldier Survivability Assessment |
SSA | Subject Says All |
SSA | Serial Source Acquisition |
SSA | Synchro Signal Amplifier |
SSA | Square Spiral Antenna |
SSA | Subspace Anomaly (Star Trek) |
SSA | Society of Student Archivists |
SSA | Southwell School Association (Hamilton, NZ) |
SSA | Standard System Applications |
SSA | Slot Spiral Antenna |
SSA | Staff Supply Assistant |
SSA | Long Side, Short Side, Angle Condition (geometry) |
SSA | Series-System Availability |
SSA | Step Scan Analyzer |
SSA | Single Stock Account |
SSA | System Supportability Assessment |
SSA | System Specification for ATCCS |
SSA | Soviet Secret Agent |
SSA | Stochastic Scattering Approach |
SSA | Salle Semi-Anéchoique (French: Semi-Anechoic Room) |
SSA | Special Supply Activity |
SSA | Société Spéléologique d'Avignon (French: Speleological Society of Avignon; Avignon, France) |
SSA | Space Station Associates |
SSA | Shared Signaling Access |
SSA | Shanghai Sanitation Administration |
SSA | Supplemental Service Agreement |
SSA | Simultaneous Sparse Approximation |
SSA | Street Sweeper Arias (video game character) |