Acronym | Definition |
TED | Technology, Education, Design |
TED | Technology Education |
TED | Text Editor |
TED | Teacher Education Department (various universities) |
TED | Tenders Electronic Daily (European Union Journal) |
TED | Transferência Eletrônica Disponível (Portuguese: Electronic Funds Transfer; Brazil) |
TED | Technical Education Department (various schools) |
TED | The Editorial Department (Tucson, AZ) |
TED | Turk Egitim Dernegi |
TED | Troubles Envahissants du Développement (French: Pervasive Developmental Disorder; France) |
TED | Transient Enhanced Diffusion |
TED | Technology Entertainment and Design (conference) |
TED | Tourism Economic Development (various locations) |
TED | Time and Event Driven (software) |
TED | Torrent Episode Downloader (file sharing software; Niue) |
TED | Tokyo Electron Device (semiconductors; Tokyo, Japan) |
TED | The Electrical Distributor (magazine; National Association of Electrical Distributors, Inc.) |
TED | Total Effective Dose |
TED | Transmission Electron Diffraction |
TED | Trace Element Descriptor |
TED | Transferred Electron Device |
TED | Television Electronic Disc |
TED | Triple Error Detection |
TED | Tiered Electronic Distribution |
TED | Thyroid Eye Disease |
TED | Traffic Enforcement Division (New York Police Department; New York, NY) |
TED | Traffic Engineering Database |
TED | Tiny Editor |
TED | Treasury EuroDollar |
TED | Thermoelectric Device |
TED | Tooheys Extra Dry (Australian beer) |
TED | Time Exposed to Danger (risk assessment) |
TED | Tunnel Endpoint Discovery (Cisco) |
TED | Tele Dialog (German: telecommunication dialogue) |
TED | Timing Error Detector |
TED | Transmitted Electron Detection (physics) |
TED | Total Energy Detector |
TED | Turkish Education Association |
TED | Tenis Eskrim Dagcilik Kulubu (Istanbul, Turkey) |
TED | Trunk Encryption Device |
TED | Technical Directive |
TED | Tiered Electronic Distribution (Novell ZENWorks) |
TED | Transferred-Electron Devices |
TED | Trailing Edge Down |
TED | Triteal Enterprise Desktop |
TED | Thrombo-Embolic Disease |
TED | Turbine Engine Diagnostics |
TED | Turtle Excluding Device (modification to fishing nets to prevent the incidental capture of turtles) |
TED | Transfer Effective Date |
TED | Threat Environment Description |
TED | Touch Entry Display |
TED | Total Employee Development |
TED | Thrombo-Embolism Deterrent |
TED | Traffic Enforcement Decoy |
TED | Taylor Expansion Diagram |
TED | Typical Enlisted Dude |
TED | Task Execution Description |
TED | Training Equipment Development |
TED | Track Etch Dosimeter |
TED | Test & Evaluation Directorate |
TED | Transient Electrical Discharge |
TED | Tactical Eye Devices (US Army) |
TED | Trial Evaluation Document |
TED | Threat Environment Defense |
TED | Textile Engineering Division (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) |
TED | Thisted, Denmark - Thisted (Airport Code) |
TED | Test of Economic Decisionmaking |
TED | The Emperor's Decree |
TED | Threshold Erythema Dose |
TED | Transport En Département (French: Transportation Department; France) |
TED | Touch Entry Device |
TED | Tamper-Evident Device |
TED | Treasuries Over Eurodollars (credit spread) |
TED | Training and Educational Device |