TEETransesophageal Echocardiography
TEETotal Energy Efficiency (natural gas)
TEETotal Energy Expenditure
TEETribunal Estatal Electoral (Spanish: State Electoral Tribunal; Mexico)
TEETransesophageal Echocardiogram
TEETitoli di Efficienza Energetica (Italian: Energy Efficiency Bonds)
TEEToshiba Electronics Europe
TEETrans-Europ-Express (train)
TEETheological Education by Extension
TEETechnology Enhanced Education (various organizations)
TEETitre Emploi Entreprise (French: Job Title Company; France)
TEETheoretical Electrical Engineering (various locations)
TEETraining Effectiveness Evaluation
TEETokyo Electron Europe (various locations)
TEETertiary Entrance Exam (Australia)
TEETerm End Examination
TEEThermic Effect of Exercise
TEETrusted Execution Environment (web security)
TEETotal Effective Exposure
TEETest of Elementary Economics
TEETasa de Eventos Experimental (Spanish)