Acronym | Definition |
TSA | Transportation Security Administration (US Department of Homeland Security) |
TSA | Transportation Security Administration (US DHS) |
TSA | Technology Student Association |
TSA | Tax Sheltered Annuity |
TSA | Trailer Stability Assist (vehicles) |
TSA | The Snowboard Asylum |
TSA | Travel Sentry Approved |
TSA | Total Surface Area |
TSA | Tumor-Specific Antigen (cell-surface antigen not occurring in normal cells) |
TSA | The Salvation Army |
TSA | The Sports Authority (Englewood, CO) |
TSA | Trichostatin A (histone deacetylase inhibitor) |
TSA | Transpacific Stabilization Agreement (shipping) |
TSA | Tryptic Soy Agar |
TSA | Textile Society of America (est. 1987) |
TSA | Telecare Services Association (UK) |
TSA | Tenant Services Authority (UK) |
TSA | Target Service Agent |
TSA | Trailer Stability Assist |
TSA | Transportation Security Administration |
TSA | Time Stamping Authority |
TSA | Time Share Algorithm |
TSA | Toyota Style Australia |
TSA | Teleshop Access |
TSA | Toronto School of Art (Canada) |
TSA | Trans States Airlines (Bridgeton, MO) |
TSA | Time Stamping Authority (electronic commerce) |
TSA | Texas Society of Architects |
TSA | Texas State Aquarium (Corpus Christi, TX) |
TSA | Taiwanese Student Association |
TSA | Tourism Satellite Account |
TSA | Tourette Syndrome Association, Inc. |
TSA | Target Service Agent (Novell) |
TSA | Times Square Alliance (New York) |
TSA | Technical Support Agreement (various companies) |
TSA | The Station Agent (film) |
TSA | Time Series Analysis |
TSA | Turkish Student Association |
TSA | Timber Supply Area (Canada) |
TSA | Tulane School of Architecture (Tulane University; Louisiana) |
TSA | Transport Safety Authority (various locations) |
TSA | Toyota South Africa (vehicles) |
TSA | The Scene Aesthetic (band) |
TSA | Technology Systems Analysis (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) |
TSA | Telecommunication Society of Australia |
TSA | Thinking Skills Assessment |
TSA | Tampa Sports Authority |
TSA | Tuberous Sclerosis Association (UK) |
TSA | Thai Student Association |
TSA | The Salon Association |
TSA | Total Survey Area |
TSA | Theater Storage Area (US DoD) |
TSA | Télésanté Aquitaine (French health organization) |
TSA | Target System Analysis (US DoD) |
TSA | Total Shoulder Arthroplasty (shoulder joint surgery) |
TSA | Tryptone Soya Agar |
TSA | Traffic Safety Association (Michigan) |
TSA | Temporary Storage Areas (various meanings) |
TSA | Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance (formerly National Tuberous Sclerosis Association; Silver Spring, Maryland) |
TSA | Temporary Staffing Agency |
TSA | Taos Society of Artists (est. 1915; Taos, NM) |
TSA | Taiwan Securities Association (est. 1999) |
TSA | Topical Skin Adhesive (various companies) |
TSA | Transaction Systems Architects, Inc |
TSA | Troubles Spécifiques des Apprentissages (French: Specific Learning Disorders) |
TSA | Technology Skills Assessment (various organizations) |
TSA | Technical Service Agreement |
TSA | Technical Support Alliance |
TSA | Teacher on Special Assignment |
TSA | Taiwan Suzuki Association |
TSA | The Sunbed Association (trade group; UK) |
TSA | Tower Structural Analyst (various companies) |
TSA | Time Slot Assignment |
TSA | Timosaponin (inhibitor) |
TSA | The Scout Association (UK) |
TSA | Tapered Slot Antenna |
TSA | Transformation Story Archive |
TSA | Theosophical Society in America |
TSA | Transition State Analog |
TSA | Temporal Security Agency (gaming) |
TSA | Texas Society of Anesthesiologists |
TSA | Tivoli System Automation (IBM Corp.) |
TSA | Thermoelastic Stress Analysis |
TSA | Temple Scott Associates (public relations and government relations firm; Canada) |
TSA | Temporary Segregated Area (aviation) |
TSA | Treasury-State Agreement (US state funding) |
TSA | Training Situation Analysis (US Navy) |
TSA | Transcortical Sensory Aphasia |
TSA | Texas Speleological Association |
TSA | Task Safety Awareness (building) |
TSA | Taipei, Taiwan - Sung Shan (Airport Code) |
TSA | Technikon Southern Africa |
TSA | Team Sports America, Inc. (sports merchandise manufacturer) |
TSA | The Stubbins Associates (now Kling Stubbins; architecture; various locations) |
TSA | Transuranic Storage Area |
TSA | Term Share Account (finance) |
TSA | Tajne Stowarzyszenie Abstynentów (Polish) |
TSA | Transitional Services Agreement |
TSA | Tank Storage Association (UK) |
TSA | Tanzania Serengeti Adventure (safari operator) |
TSA | Texas Sign Association |
TSA | Troop Support Agency (Army) |
TSA | Taxiway Safety Area |
TSA | Toronto School of Archery (Toronto, Canada) |
TSA | Thaumasite Formation from Sulphate Attack (tunnels) |
TSA | Textile Services Association Limited (UK) |
TSA | Technical System Audit |
TSA | Technical Safety Appraisal |
TSA | Tamil Student Association |
TSA | Training Support Agent |
TSA | Temperature Swing Absorption |
TSA | Täby Sändaramatörer (Swedish radio club) |
TSA | Temporary Support Assistant (school districts) |
TSA | Trans System Authority (gaming, Natural-Selection) |
TSA | Technical Services Analyst |
TSA | Technology Safeguard Agreement |
TSA | Taxe Spécifique Additionnelle (French: Specific Additional Fee) |
TSA | Transport Stream Analyzer (Instrument used in DTV broadcasting to ascertain the condition of the stream) |
TSA | Trace Suspension Assembly (hard drive component) |
TSA | Technical & Scientific Application, Inc (Houston, Texas) |
TSA | Technical Services Associates, Inc. |
TSA | The Schemmer Associates, Inc (Omaha, NE) |
TSA | Travel Security Advisory |
TSA | Title Says All |
TSA | Theatre Students' Association |
TSA | Technicien en Santé Animale (French: Animal Health Technician) |
TSA | Temperate South America |
TSA | Target State Architecture (Sprint) |
TSA | Thermally Sprayed Aluminum |
TSA | Triple Sugar Agar |
TSA | The Senate Arcade (Seattle, Washington band) |
TSA | Tolerance Stack Analysis (mechanical engineering) |
TSA | Technical Support Area |
TSA | Test Start Approval |
TSA | Trainer Support Activity |
TSA | Time-Scale Analysis |
TSA | TELUS Solutions d'Affaires |
TSA | Transmitting Subscriber Internet Address |
TSA | Technical Support and Analysis |
TSA | Target Signature Array |
TSA | Transport Services Agreement |
TSA | Transmitter/Servo Drive/Antenna |
TSA | Target Software Agent(s) |
TSA | The Securities Association Ltd. |
TSA | Tactical Situation Assessment |
TSA | Target System Architecture |
TSA | Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture |
TSA | Threat Situational Awareness |
TSA | Testing Support Activity |
TSA | Total Systems Architecture |
TSA | Transmitting Subscriber Address |
TSA | Technologie en Santé Animale |
TSA | Tasa Especifica Adicional |
TSA | Theater Storage Activities/Ammunition |
TSA | Transient Suppression Assembly |
TSA | Technical Security Area |
TSA | Thermal Shield Antenna |
TSA | Technical Support Activity/Agent |
TSA | Total Sample Area |