Acronym | Definition |
TSAA | Texas State Archery Association |
TSAA | Tennessee Student Assistance Award |
TSAA | Texas School Assessors Association (Aspermont, TX) |
TSAA | Technical Securities Analysts Association (San Francisco, CA) |
TSAA | Tourette Syndrome Association of Australia |
TSAA | Tri-State Auto Auction (Chicago, IL) |
TSAA | Total Sulphur Amino Acid |
TSAA | Toronto School Administrators' Association (Canada) |
TSAA | Tri-State Arts Association |
TSAA | Today's Steam Across America (locomotive video) |
TSAA | Tobacco Settlement Agreement Act |
TSAA | Turkish Student Assistance Association |
TSAA | Texas State Association of Architects |
TSAA | Transportation Systems Analysis and Assessment (working group) |
TSAA | Texas State Approving Agency for Veterans Education |
TSAA | Translational State Array Analysis |
TSAA | Tibial Shaft Anatomical Axis |
TSAA | Tennessee Secondary Athletic Association |
TSAA | Tyumen State Agricultural Academy (Siberia, Russia) |
TSAA | Termination Switched Access Arrangement |
TSAA | Tapered Slot Antenna Array |
TSAA | Tom Schauf and Associates |
TSAA | Test Scoring And Analysis |
TSAA | Tuberous Sclerosis Association of America |
TSAA | Tower-Soudan Athletic Association |
TSAA | Team Sheet Association of America |
TSAA | Tasmanian Schools Administrators Association (Australia) |
TSAA | Tri-State Airport Authority |
TSAA | The Southeastern Aerial Applicator |