Acronym | Definition |
TSAR | The Sun Also Rises |
TSAR | Tissue Sensing Adaptive Radar (tumor detection) |
TSAR | Text Search and Replace |
TSAR | Transportation Statistics Annual Report |
TSAR | Taiwan Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance |
TSAR | Total Sum at Risk |
TSAR | Tidewater Search and Rescue (Norfolk, VA) |
TSAR | Tu Sers A Rien (French: you are useless) |
TSAR | Topical Safety Analysis Report |
TSAR | Theater Simulation of Airbase Resources (Model) |
TSAR | Transportation Security Administration Representative |
TSAR | Transmission Security Analysis Report |
TSAR | Test Schedule and Review |
TSAR | Theater Simulation of Airfield Resources |
TSAR | TRANSCOM Siting And Readiness |
TSAR | Time Scanned Array Radar |
TSAR | Technical Safety Analysis Report (US Department of Energy) |
TSAR | Time Series Acoustic Recall |
TSAR | Total System Acknowledgement Responsibility |
TSAR | Training Situation Analysis Report |
TSAR | Texas Stairs and Rails (Houston, TX) |
TSAR | Tactical Situational Awareness Relay |