Acronym | Definition |
TAO | Together as One |
TAO | Track-At-Once (CD creation) |
TAO | Tailored Access Operations (US NSA) |
TAO | Track at Once |
TAO | The Ancient Order (gaming clan) |
TAO | The Ardennes Offensive (war) |
TAO | Tropical Atmosphere Ocean |
TAO | Tactics Arena Online (gaming) |
TAO | Traduction Assistée Par Ordinateur (French: computer-assisted translation) |
TAO | The ACE ORB (Object Computing, Inc.) |
TAO | Thromboangiitis Obliterans |
TAO | The Autumn Offering (band) |
TAO | Telecommunications Advancement Organization of Japan |
TAO | Topical Antibiotic Ointment |
TAO | Technical Assistance Organization (various organizations) |
TAO | Traducción Asistida por Ordenador (Spanish: Computer-Assisted Translation) |
TAO | Transfer of Authority |
TAO | Triple Antibiotic Ointment |
TAO | The Alphabetical Order (Washington, DC rock band) |
TAO | Toolkit for Advanced Optimization |
TAO | Tambon Administrative Organization (Thailand) |
TAO | Taxpayer Assistance Order |
TAO | Tactical Air Operations |
TAO | The Aikido Ohana (martial arts; Japan) |
TAO | Tactical Coordinator |
TAO | Technology Applications Office |
TAO | Tokyo Astronomical Observatory |
TAO | Transition Assistance Office |
TAO | Totally Automated Office |
TAO | Tactical Actions Officer |
TAO | Travel Agents Ordinance |
TAO | Taiwanese American Organization (various locations) |
TAO | Ten Acre Observatory (Oklahoma) |
TAO | Tactical Area of Operations (various armed forces; also seen as TAOR) |
TAO | Telephony Application Object (CORBA) |
TAO | Thème Apprentissage et Optimisation (French: Theme Learning and Optimization) |
TAO | TSCA Assistance Office (US EPA) |
TAO | Tin-Antimony Oxide |
TAO | Transformation Alignment Office (Canada) |
TAO | Technical Assistance Operations |
TAO | Technical Applications Office |
TAO | TOGA Atmosphere Ocean |
TAO | TACAN Only |
TAO | Technical Assistance Order |
TAO | Technical Arrest Order |
TAO | Time and Altitude Over ... (location) |
TAO | Terrain Avoidance Override |
TAO | TOGA Automated Observations |
TAO | Temporary Area Office |
TAO | Fleet Oiler - MSC Manned (also abbreviated T-AO) |
TAO | Task Area Objective |
TAO | Transportation Applications Office |
TAO | Tactical Air Observer/Observation |
TAO | Test Analysis Outline |
TAO | Tactical Air/Action Officer |
TAO | Tactical Aeronautical Order |
TAO | Total Advanced Optimization |
TAO | Test Assisté Par Ordinateur (French: Computer-Assisted Test) |