STSSpace Transportation System
STSSad To Say
STSScience, Technology and Society
STSScience and Technology Studies
STSStreets (US Postal service standard street suffix)
STSSentence To Serve
STSSoft Tissue Sarcoma
STSSmell the Smoke
STSScience Talent Search
STSSociety of Thoracic Surgeons
STSSimon the Sorcerer (game)
STSShip to Ship
STSSystem to Standard
STSSupplement Training Systems (drugs)
STSSing the Sorrow (AFI album)
STSSimple Template System
STSSecurity Token Service
STSSequence Tagged Site
STSSurface To Surface
STSSpring Tool Suite (software)
STSStandard Threshold Shift (temporary hearing loss)
STSShoulder to Shoulder (various locations)
STSSlow the Spread (of the Gypsy Moth project)
STSSocio-Technical System
STSSo To Speak
STSSkyline-to-the-Sea (trail; California)
STSSevere Tropical Storm
STSShuttle Transportation System
STSSwallow the Sun (band)
STSSpeech to Speech (phone service for people with a speech disability)
STSSecurity and Technology Solutions (Ernst & Young)
STSSystem Technical Support
STSScottish Text Society (publisher; UK)
STSStudent Technology Services
STSSchweizer Tierschutz
STSSocio-Technical Perspective
STSSister to Sister
STSSECOM Trust Systems (Japan)
STSSimultaneous Translation Services
STSSynchronous Transport Signal
STSSewage Treatment Station (various locations)
STSSmoke the Sky (band; Germany)
STSSerologic Test for Syphilis
STSShort-Throw Shifter (automotive)
STSSimplified Tax System
STSSworn to Secrecy
STSSodium Tetradecyl Sulphate (drug ingredient)
STSShoot the Stuff (polite form)
STSSt. Theresa School (various locations)
STSState Training School (various locations)
STSSoutheast Tourism Society
STSScanning Tunneling Spectroscopy
STSStore Selective
STSSeville Touring Sedan
STSSharepoint Team Service
STSStandby Timer Select
STSSource Temporary Store
STSSql Tuning Set
STSSet Transmit State
STSStation to Station
STSSpeech Telephony Solutions
STSSpecial Telecommunication System
STSSite to Site
STSShot to Shot
STSScsi to Scsi
STSStore Stack Pointer
STSShort Throw Shifter
STSSelf Test Software
STSSmart Tennis Sensor (Sony)
STSSteam Translation Server
STSSydhamnens Trailer Service (Sweden)
STSSchool Transport Services LLC (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)
STSSeville Touring Sedan (Cadillac)
STSSolar Thermal System
STSSelling to Seniors (newsletter)
STSSharePoint Team Services
STSSecond Tier Supplier
STSStatic Transfer Switch
STSScholarly Technology Services
STSSignificant Threshold Shift
STSSupport Ticket System
STSSiemens Transportation Systems, Inc.
STSSuper Top Secret (Salt Lake City, UT)
STSSystem Test Set
STSService Technicians Society
STSSpecial Tactics Squadron
STSShared Tenant Services
STSSupport This Site
STSScience and Technology Section (American Library Association & Association of College and Research Libraries)
STSStudent to Student (grant program)
STSSpital Thun Simmental (Swiss hospital)
STSSmalltalk Systems
STSSea-To-Sky (Highway Improvement Project; Canada)
STSSteps To Success
STSService to Servants (various locations)
STSSoftware Testing Service (various organizations)
STSShipboard Technical Support
STSSatanas (Filipino gang in California)
STSSpace Tourism Society
STSSmalltalk Solutions
STSState Training Services ( Australia)
STSSingle Tine Separator (John Deere)
STSSpeed Trim System (flight)
STSSpecial Transportation Service
STSSensor to Shooter
STSSpoke Too Soon
STSStrict Transport Security (Internet security mechanism)
STSSystem Technology Support
STSSoftware Technical Services (various locations)
STSStudent Transportation Service (various locations)
STSSection de Techniciens Supérieurs (French)
STSService to Self
STSSociete de Transport de Sherbrooke (Sherbrooke Transport Company; Canada)
STSSecurity Technical Specialist (US State Department)
STSSea Transport Staff (Australia)
STSSummer Training Schedule (US Navy)
STSSoftware Test Specialist
STSServiciul de Telecomunicatii Speciale (Special Telephony Service; Romanian Secret Service)
STSSatellite Television Service
STSSafety Trained Supervisor (Certification)
STSSociety for Textual Scholarship
STSScience and Technology for Sustainability
STSSteiner Triple System
STSSource Transfer Switch
STSSpace-Time Spreading (CDMA transmission)
STSStation-To-Station Protocol
STSSite Tracking System
STSScholastic Testing Service
STSSpecial Tactical Services
STSSupport Transgenre Strasbourg (French: Strasbourg Transgendered Support)
STSSignal Transduction Society
STSSolar Terrestrial Science
STSSmall Town Sleeper (band)
STSSingle Track Seek (Seagate)
STSStandard Technical Specifications
STSStorage Systems Specialists (UK)
STSStructural Transition Section (US NASA)
STSShort Track Series (racing)
STSSevern Trent System
STSSoft Tissue Swelling
STSStanislavsky Theater Studio
STSStructural Time Series (Sprint)
STSShuttle Test Station (US NASA)
STSStudent Transcript System
STSSanta Rosa, CA, USA - Sonoma County Airport (Airport Code)
STSSomerset Tire Service Inc
STSStudent Tutorial Service (Melbourne University; Australia)
STSSpecialty Training Standard
STSShared Telecommunications System
STSStockpile-to-Target Sequence
STSSeal Team Six
STSSeasonal Timing Strategy (investing)
STSSecure Terminal Servers
STSSubcommittee on Telecommunications Security (NSTISSC)
STSScientific Telephone Samples
STSStudent Telephone Services
STSStone Table Software
STSSecond Temple Synagogues
STSSynchronous Time Stamps (ATMF)
STSStrength Through Science
STSSingStat Time Series (Singapore)
STSSolar Thruster Sailor
STSSquires Turbo System (automotive)
STSSpring Training Series (cycling)
STSSpecial Travel Service
STSSandusky Transit System
STSSki Touring Section
STSSafe Training Systems Ltd. (Wokingham, Berkshire, England)
STSScuderia Trentina Storica (Italian: Scuderia Historical Club)
STSSubmarine Technology Symposium
STSService des Tâches Spéciales (French: Service of Special Tasks)
STSSurface Technology Systems Ltd. (UK)
STSSilicon Tracking System
STSSport Touring Sedan (Cadillac)
STSStar Separator
STSSelect Timing Service
STSSheboygan Transit System (Sheboygan, WI)
STSSubscription Television Service
STSSears Technology Services, Inc.
STSSynergy Teleconferencing System
STSSpecial Thematic Sessions
STSSecure Telephone System
STSSingapore Test Services Pte Ltd
STSSingle Trusted System
STSSpecialized Treatment Service
STSStudent Timetable System
STSSaskatoon Transit Service
STSSpecialized Turbine Services
STSSecurity Termination Statement
STSSecured Transaction Section
STSSeattle Tamil Sangam
STSStrategic Test Solutions
STSStudent Theological Society
STSSchuylkill Transportation Systems
STSSports Training System
STSSoftware Test Station (oftware development, especially defense contacts)
STSSolutions Technology and Software Inc
STSStudent Training Station
STSSequential Thinning Strategy (forestry)
STSSecure Technology Solutions Inc
STS(USN Rating) Sonar Technician (Submarine)
STSSalary Table Setup
STSSodium Toluene - Sulphorate
STSSmalltalk Session
STSServo-actuator Test Station
STSSlater Transition State (physics)
STSsingle tree search
STSSoftware Technical Specification
STSSwirl Tertiary Stage (low NOx burners)
STSStrategic Training Squadron
STSSubmissions Tracking System
STSSouthern Transmission Systems
STSShort-Term Systematic Variance
STSSONET Terminal Server
STSSensor to Service
STSServer Translation Scheme (VSS)
STSStatistics & Traffic Measurement Subsystem (GSM networks)
STSSystem Timing Step
STSState to State Transfer
STSSmall Traffic Station
STSStereo Theater System
STSSupplemental Telephony Service (Lucent)
STSStabilized Tracking Set
STSSAS (Scandinavian Airline System) Technical Services (Scandinavia)
STSSingle Track Switch
STSSlicker Than Shoot