Acronym | Definition |
TLO | Texas Legislature Online |
TLO | Threat Level Orange |
TLO | True Living Organics (horticulture) |
TLO | The Lucky One (book and film) |
TLO | Tenant Liaison Officer (various companies; UK) |
TLO | Trichotillomania Learning Center (Santa Cruz, CA) |
TLO | The Last Olympian (novel) |
TLO | Traveller Liaison Officer (UK) |
TLO | The Little One |
TLO | The Last One (Consultants) |
TLO | Thematic Learning Objective |
TLO | Technology Licensing Organization (Japan) |
TLO | Twitter Link Only (social media) |
TLO | Terminal Learning Objective |
TLO | Total Loss Only |
TLO | The Lancet Oncology (publication) |
TLO | Terrorism Liaison Officer |
TLO | Time-Limited Offer |
TLO | Tribal Liaison Office (Afghanistan) |
TLO | Time and Labor Online (software) |
TLO | Technical Liaison Officer |
TLO | Top-Level Object (object oriented programming) |
TLO | Toulouse Les Orgues (French: The Toulouse Organs; music festival) |
TLO | Temporary Lay-Off |
TLO | Technical Liaison Office (Telcordia) |
TLO | Task-Level Organization |
TLO | Thoracolumbar Orthosis |
TLO | The List Online (subscription based resource) |
TLO | Three Letter Organization |
TLO | Train Load-Out (area where coal product is loaded onto train) |