TLOTexas Legislature Online
TLOThreat Level Orange
TLOTrue Living Organics (horticulture)
TLOThe Lucky One (book and film)
TLOTenant Liaison Officer (various companies; UK)
TLOTrichotillomania Learning Center (Santa Cruz, CA)
TLOThe Last Olympian (novel)
TLOTraveller Liaison Officer (UK)
TLOThe Little One
TLOThe Last One (Consultants)
TLOThematic Learning Objective
TLOTechnology Licensing Organization (Japan)
TLOTwitter Link Only (social media)
TLOTerminal Learning Objective
TLOTotal Loss Only
TLOThe Lancet Oncology (publication)
TLOTerrorism Liaison Officer
TLOTime-Limited Offer
TLOTribal Liaison Office (Afghanistan)
TLOTime and Labor Online (software)
TLOTechnical Liaison Officer
TLOTop-Level Object (object oriented programming)
TLOToulouse Les Orgues (French: The Toulouse Organs; music festival)
TLOTemporary Lay-Off
TLOTechnical Liaison Office (Telcordia)
TLOTask-Level Organization
TLOThoracolumbar Orthosis
TLOThe List Online (subscription based resource)
TLOThree Letter Organization
TLOTrain Load-Out (area where coal product is loaded onto train)