Acronym | Definition |
TMA | Texas Medical Association |
TMA | Turnaround Management Association |
TMA | TRICARE Management Activity |
TMA | The Modern Antiquarian (resource website) |
TMA | Toledo Museum of Art (Toledo, OH) |
TMA | Transportation Management Association |
TMA | Trans Maldivian Airways |
TMA | Tertio Millennio Adveniente (Latin: Comes the Third Millennium) |
TMA | The Management Agency (Florida) |
TMA | The Marketing Arm (various locations) |
TMA | Tooling & Manufacturing Association |
TMA | Tierce Maintenance Applicative |
TMA | Traffic Monitoring and Analysis |
TMA | The Moment After (Christiano Film Group) |
TMA | Trans Mediterranean Airways (Beirut, Lebanon) |
TMA | Transverse Myelitis Association (Powell, OH) |
TMA | Telephone Management and Accounting |
TMA | Transparent Materials Adapter |
TMA | Transparency Media Adapter |
TMA | Three Mirror Anastigmat (telescopes) |
TMA | Thomas Morus Akademie (German school) |
TMA | Tutor-Marked Assignment (Open University, UK) |
TMA | Thermomechanical Analysis |
TMA | Trimellitic Anhydride |
TMA | Thrombotic Microangiopathy |
TMA | Terminal Area (British air navigation) |
TMA | Transportation Management Area |
TMA | Tennessee Medical Association (Nashville, Tennessee) |
TMA | Traffic Management Act (UK) |
TMA | Terminal Control Area |
TMA | Transparent Media Adapter |
TMA | Technology Management and Administration (Abraham S. Fischler School of Education; Miami Beach, FL) |
TMA | Traditional Martial Arts |
TMA | Truck Mounted Attenuator (highway safety engineering) |
TMA | Traffic Management Advisor |
TMA | Thermomechanical Analyzer |
TMA | Thermotoga Maritima |
TMA | The Montessori Academy (various locations) |
TMA | Trace Metal Analysis |
TMA | Tower Mounted Amplifier (base transceiver stations) |
TMA | Theatrical Management Association |
TMA | The Marketing Alliance (St. Louis, MO) |
TMA | The Melbourne Anglican (Australian) |
TMA | Tampa Museum of Art |
TMA | Training and Management Assistance (a component of OHRD, which is a component of OWR) |
TMA | Tobacco Manufacturers' Association (UK) |
TMA | The Modeling Agency (various companies) |
TMA | Truck Manufacturers Association |
TMA | Target Motion Analysis |
TMA | Treasury Management Association |
TMA | Toy Manufacturers of America |
TMA | Tissue Mineral Analysis |
TMA | Tanzania Millitary Academy |
TMA | Thurgood Marshall Academy (Washington, DC and New York) |
TMA | Trained Medication Administration |
TMA | The Main Attraction (band) |
TMA | Transitional Medicaid Assistance |
TMA | Transmetatarsal Amputation |
TMA | Texas Maritime Academy (Texas A&M University) |
TMA | Tycho Magnetic Anomaly (science fiction, 2001: A Space Odyssey) |
TMA | 3,4,5-Trimethoxyamphetamine (psychedelic amphetamine) |
TMA | Town Municipal Administration (Pakistan) |
TMA | The Magazine Antiques (Brant Publications) |
TMA | Too Many Acronyms :-) |
TMA | Transaxle Manufacturing of America (South Carolina) |
TMA | Terminal Approach (air traffic management) |
TMA | True Martial Arts |
TMA | Tissue Microarray Technique |
TMA | Technology Management Associates (Canada) |
TMA | Turkish Medical Association |
TMA | Technology Management Advisors (Greenwood Village, CO) |
TMA | Trained Medication Aide |
TMA | Tema Municipal Assembly (Ghana) |
TMA | Tri Methyl Aluminum |
TMA | The Maintenance Authority (TMA Systems Inc.) |
TMA | Thyroid Microsomal Antibody |
TMA | Trails Maintenance Assessment (Vermont Association of Snow Travelers permit) |
TMA | Tivoli Management Agent |
TMA | Top Management Attention |
TMA | Theoretical Mechanical Advantage |
TMA | Tuttle-Mori Agency (Japan) |
TMA | Traffic Management Attenuator (equipment) |
TMA | Technology Mirror Assembly |
TMA | Training Mission Area |
TMA | Tri-Methyl Amine (CH33N) |
TMA | Training Media Association |
TMA | Thief: the Metal Age (video game) |
TMA | Technology, Management, and Analysis Corporation |
TMA | Tristeza y Muerte de Agave (Wilting and Death of Agave) |
TMA | Trike Mosan Association (French motorcycle club) |
TMA | Thurstone Test of Mental Alertness (Pearson Reid London House) |
TMA | Target Movement Analysis |
TMA | Too Much Activity |
TMA | The Mobile Atheists |
TMA | Transcortical Mixed Aphasia (medical) |
TMA | Telecommunications Management Association (UK) |
TMA | Test Module Adapter |
TMA | Too Much Attitude |
TMA | Total Microbial Activity |
TMA | Telephone Managers Association |
TMA | Total Market Coverage |
TMA | Tracteurs et Motoculteurs d'Antan (French: Tractors and Tillers of Yesteryear) |
TMA | Triangular Microstrip Antenna |
TMA | Taiwan Maintenance Agency |
TMA | Technical Management Area |
TMA | Tokyo Masonic Association (Japan) |
TMA | Team Mizuno Athletic (Japan) |
TMA | Tables Management Automation (Sprint) |
TMA | Technical Manual Agent |
TMA | Threshold Management and Analysis |
TMA | Transfer Mass Allocations |
TMA | Testability Measure Analyzer |
TMA | Tema Municipality Assembly |
TMA | Total Materiel Assets |
TMA | Transport, Modified, Anthropometric (Russian Soyuz spacecraft model) |
TMA | Training Media Advisor (Sprint) |
TMA | Transmission Media Alternatives (Sprint) |
TMA | Techniques Modernes d'Automatisme (French: Modern Techniques of Automation; software company) |
TMA | Tactical Mission Analysis |
TMA | Traffic Management Algorithm |
TMA | Thai Muslim Association |
TMA | Transcription Mediated Analysis (nucleic acid amplification test) |
TMA | Techniques Métalliques Appliquées (French: Applied Metal Technology) |
TMA | Thomas Morrison and Associates (Lake Havasu City, AZ) |