WEDWorld Environment Day
WEDWind Energy Development (various locations)
WEDWeathering, Erosion, and Deposition (geology)
WEDWhere Eagles Dare (movie)
WEDWarped Extra Dimension (physics)
WEDWater Equivalent Depth
WEDWireless Entertainment Desktop
WEDWeb Editor
WEDWorld E-Mail Directory
WEDWalter Elias Disney
WEDWestern Economic Diversification (Canada)
WEDWestern Ecology Division (EPA)
WEDWellbeing in Developing Countries
WEDWorld Email Directory (search directory)
WEDWet op de Economische Delicten (Dutch: law on economic crime)
WEDWestern Europe Daylight (GMT+0100)
WEDWalter Elias Disney Enterprises (now Walt Disney Company)
WEDWestern Economic Development (Canada)
WEDWater and Electricity Department
WEDWeapons in Exchange for Development
WEDWhat-Ever Dude
WEDWaste Engineering Development
WEDWireless Engineering Division
WEDWorkforce Effectiveness Division
WEDWeb-enabled Equipment Driver
WEDWire Equilibrium Device
WEDWeapon Engineering Duty