UGMUniversitas Gajah Mada (Indonesian university)
UGMUnion Geofisica Mexicana (Spanish: Geophysical Union Mexicana; Mexico)
UGMUnion Gospel Mission (Seattle, Washington)
UGMUser Group Meeting
UGMUniversal Gateway Manager
UGMUniversal Granite & Marble (various locations)
UGMUrban Growth Management (various locations)
UGMUser Generated Media
UGMUsers' Group Meeting
UGMUniversal Graphics Module (industrial computer systems)
UGMUnion General Meeting
UGMUltimate Gaming Machine (computer)
UGMUniversal Group Membership
UGMUser Group Manager
UGMUniversity of Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
UGMUnderwater Guided Missile
UGMUnité de Génétique Médicale (French: Unit of Medical Genetics; France)
UGMUndergroundmonsters (websites) (website)
UGMUrban Grey Metallic (Subaru vehicle color)