TOVTales of Vesperia (video game)
TOVTen Opzichte Van (Dutch: with regard to)
TOVTemple of the Vampire
TOVTransfer of Value
TOVTriple Offset Valve
TOVTomatoes on the Vine
TOVTone of Voice (linguistics, branding)
TOVTreaty of Versailles (treaty ending WWI)
TOVTotal Observed Volume (measurement)
TOVTransit of Venus
TOVTemporary Overvoltage
TOVTotal Order Value
TOVTown Outside Village (New York)
TOVTouch of Velvet (chinchilla breeding)
TOVThreshold of Visibility
TOVTown of Vail
TOVTemple of Veeshan (Everquest)
TOVTechnicka Obsluha Vyroby (Slovak maintenance service)
TOVTalleres de Oración y Vida (Prayer and Life Workshops)
TOVTime Out Value
TOVTable of Values (mathematics)
TOVTorsional Oscillatory Viscometer (measurements; Mansco Products)
TOVTele-Operated Vehicle
TOVThe Obstructed View (Detroit Red Wings podcast)
TOVTime of Validity
TOVTrial of Void
TOVTotal Organic Volatile
TOVToole Valley Railway Company