TOWTube-launched Optically-tracked Wire-guided missile
TOWTypes of Writing
TOWTime on the Water (windsurfing/kitesurfing)
TOWTransfer of Work
TOWTip of the Week
TOWTug of War
TOWTopic of the Week
TOWTop of Wall
TOWTheater of War
TOWThe One With (Friends episodes)
TOWTired Of Walking
TOWTime of Week (GPS signal)
TOWThread of the Week
TOWTake-Off Weight (aviation)
TOWThe One Where
TOWThe Other Woman
TOWTreaty of Waitangi
TOWThe Online Workshop
TOWTube Launched, Optically Tracked, Wire Command Link
TOWThat Other Wiki (Wikipedia reference)
TOWTotem of Wrath (gaming, World of Warcraft)
TOWTime Out of Water (fishing)
TOWTower on Wheels (telecomunications)
TOWTactical Oceanography Workshop
TOWTask Oriented Workflow
TOWTerminal Orderwire
TOWTetra Over Wan (Terrestrial Trunked Radio over Wireless Area Network)
TOWTank and Orbiter Weight (US NASA)
TOWTraining Objective Workshop (US DoD)