Acronym | Definition |
TOW | Tube-launched Optically-tracked Wire-guided missile |
TOW | Types of Writing |
TOW | Time on the Water (windsurfing/kitesurfing) |
TOW | Transfer of Work |
TOW | Tip of the Week |
TOW | Tug of War |
TOW | Topic of the Week |
TOW | Top of Wall |
TOW | Theater of War |
TOW | The One With (Friends episodes) |
TOW | Tired Of Walking |
TOW | Time of Week (GPS signal) |
TOW | Thread of the Week |
TOW | Take-Off Weight (aviation) |
TOW | The One Where |
TOW | The Other Woman |
TOW | Time-On-Wing |
TOW | Treaty of Waitangi |
TOW | The Online Workshop |
TOW | Tube Launched, Optically Tracked, Wire Command Link |
TOW | That Other Wiki (Wikipedia reference) |
TOW | Totem of Wrath (gaming, World of Warcraft) |
TOW | Time Out of Water (fishing) |
TOW | Tower on Wheels (telecomunications) |
TOW | Tactical Oceanography Workshop |
TOW | Task Oriented Workflow |
TOW | Terminal Orderwire |
TOW | Tetra Over Wan (Terrestrial Trunked Radio over Wireless Area Network) |
TOW | Tank and Orbiter Weight (US NASA) |
TOW | Training Objective Workshop (US DoD) |