SSCRShort-Circuit Current Rating
SSCRSingle Slot Card Reader
SSCRSchool for Social Care Research (UK)
SSCRSignal Sequence Coding Region (genetics)
SSCRScottish Society for Conservation and Restoration
SSCRStudent Status Confirmation Report
SSCRSan Sebastian College - Recoletos (Manila, Philippines)
SSCRSocietatea Studenteasca de Chirurgie din Romania (Romanian: Student Society for Surgery of Romania)
SSCRStainless Steel Cold Rolled
SSCRScottish Society for Crop Research (UK)
SSCRShipboard Systems Certification Requirements
SSCRSpace Station Change Request
SSCRServices de Secours Croix-Rouge (French: Red Cross Emergency Services)
SSCRStudent Status Change Report
SSCRSingle-Sided Correlated Rician (communications channel)
SSCRSmall System Change Request
SSCRSocietas Sacerdotalis Christi Regis (Latin: Priestly Society of Christ the King)