Acronym | Definition |
SSD | Solid State Drive |
SSD | Solid State Disk |
SSD | Seaside (Amtrak station code; Seaside, OR) |
SSD | Social Security Disability |
SSD | Ship Self Defense |
SSD | Signed, Sealed, Delivered |
SSD | Services for Students with Disabilities |
SSD | Solid State Storage Device |
SSD | Spatial Databases |
SSD | Silver Sulfadiazine |
SSD | Social Services Department |
SSD | Secondary Storage Device (computer storage) |
SSD | Scalextric Sport Digital (slot cars) |
SSD | Single Sided Deafness |
SSD | Structured Self-Development (US Army) |
SSD | School Safety Division (various locations) |
SSD | Space Systems Division |
SSD | Satellite Services Division (NOAA) |
SSD | Seven Segment Display |
SSD | Solar System Dynamics (NASA group) |
SSD | Security Systems Division (various organizations) |
SSD | Social Sciences Division |
SSD | Specialized Search Dog |
SSD | Special Service District (various locations) |
SSD | Special School District |
SSD | Soul Sacrifice Delta (gaming) |
SSD | Simpson Manufacturing Company (stock symbol) |
SSD | Shared Secret Data |
SSD | Shaded Surface Display |
SSD | Smaf Sound Decorator |
SSD | Sensor Stream Database |
SSD | Single Server Disaggregation |
SSD | System Shutdown |
SSD | Service Selection Dashboard |
SSD | Supplementary Service Data |
SSD | Storage Systems Division |
SSD | Super Speed Draft |
SSD | Secondary Send Data |
SSD | Start of Stream Delimiter |
SSD | Single Sided Disk |
SSD | Saturated Surface Dry (construction materials) |
SSD | Site Specific Design (Brooklyn, NY) |
SSD | Svensk Samhällsvetenskaplig Datatjänst (Sweden) |
SSD | Sales, Service and Distribution (various companies) |
SSD | Super Star Destroyer (Star Wars) |
SSD | Stiftung Studenten Discount (German) |
SSD | Settori Scientifico-Disciplinari (Italian) |
SSD | Sveriges Statistiska Databaser (Swedish: Sweden's Statistical Databases) |
SSD | Small Screen Display |
SSD | Super Stardust Delta (gaming) |
SSD | Sum of Squared Differences |
SSD | Sterile Services Department (UK) |
SSD | Stopping Sight Distance |
SSD | Source Selection Decision |
SSD | Secure System Design |
SSD | Security Support Division |
SSD | Seattle School District |
SSD | Social Service Designee |
SSD | Susquehanna Service Dogs |
SSD | Starkville School District (Starkville, MS) |
SSD | Sisters School District (Oregon) |
SSD | Sudden Sniffing Death |
SSD | Single Song Download |
SSD | Specialized Services Division (Honolulu Police Department SWAT Team) |
SSD | Systems Software Development |
SSD | Self-Service Device |
SSD | Swedish Social Science Data Service |
SSD | Sectoral Social Dialogue |
SSD | Support Service Division (various organizations) |
SSD | Symposium on Large Spatial Databases |
SSD | Stahlschiebedach |
SSD | Single Seed Descent |
SSD | Silicon Strip Detector |
SSD | Shoreline School District |
SSD | Society System Decontrol (band) |
SSD | System Sequence Diagram |
SSD | species-sensitivity distribution (ecologic risk assessment) |
SSD | Social Science Database |
SSD | Security and Safety Document (customs) |
SSD | Staatssicherheitsdienst (East German Secret Service; Popular name: STASI) |
SSD | State Security Department (various nations) |
SSD | Singapore School for the Deaf |
SSD | Systems, Signals and Devices (International Conference) |
SSD | Static Separation of Duty |
SSD | So So Def (record label) |
SSD | Shelter Static Dehumidifier |
SSD | Sitka School District (Alaska) |
SSD | Supercomputer Software Department |
SSD | Special Security Division (Maquis Forces International) |
SSD | Support Staff Division |
SSD | Sociétés, Santé, Développement (French) |
SSD | Snorby Security Distribution (software) |
SSD | Schuldscheindarlehen (German promissory note) |
SSD | SMPTE Slave Driver (digital sync device) |
SSD | Source Surface Distance |
SSD | Solution Specification Document (software) |
SSD | Space Settlement Design |
SSD | Simple Storefront Distribution |
SSD | Sentinel System Driver |
SSD | Security Switching Device |
SSD | State Science Day (Ohio) |
SSD | Scientific Software Development |
SSD | Supervising Scientist Division (Australia) |
SSD | Science for Sustainable Development |
SSD | Structure Superposition Database |
SSD | System Support Division |
SSD | Sunnyside School District (Washington) |
SSD | Sprechen Sie Deutsch? (German: Do you speak German?) |
SSD | Searchable Serial Data-Store |
SSD | Special Sea Dutymen |
SSD | Seaford School District (Delaware) |
SSD | Super Speed Draft (printing) |
SSD | Santee School District (California) |
SSD | Severe Sustained Drought |
SSD | Sustainable Skills Development |
SSD | Stabilized Ship Detector (US Navy) |
SSD | Scrap Salvage Division (US Navy) |
SSD | System Specification Description |
SSD | Self-Sagging Device |
SSD | Stainless Steel Droppings |
SSD | Secondary Switching Device |
SSD | Shinyaku Seiken Densetsu (game) |
SSD | Standards Support Document |
SSD | Surveillance Systems Division |
SSD | Soulshot D Grade (Lineage 2 game) |
SSD | Super Sudden Death (gaming) |
SSD | Static Sensitive Device |
SSD | Scheduled Shipping Date |
SSD | Student Systems Development |
SSD | Software Services of Delaware, Inc |
SSD | Student Support Document |
SSD | Signal Space Detector |
SSD | Space Sciences Directorate (NASA) |
SSD | Simultaneous Signal Detection |
SSD | Safety Standards Division |
SSD | Shore Side Detachment |
SSD | Solid State Decoupler (electrical protection) |
SSD | Sourcing and Supplier Development (various companies) |
SSD | Serial Service Directory |
SSD | Safety, Security & Dismantlement |
SSD | Space Station Division |
SSD | Strategic Sourcing Director |
SSD | Satellite Systems Division |
SSD | Software Support Date |
SSD | Spacecraft Software Division (US NASA) |
SSD | Strategic Sales Director |
SSD | Sun-Synchronous Day/Night |
SSD | Second Start Dial |
SSD | Survival Support Device |
SSD | Software Solutions and Designs, Inc |
SSD | Structured File Server Definitions |
SSD | Systematic Sales Dialogue |
SSD | Squadron Support Division |
SSD | SHARE Secretary's Distribution |
SSD | Specialized Support Depot |
SSD | Sliding SideDoor (well construction) |
SSD | Single Source Distribution |
SSD | Safety Scoping Document |
SSD | Software Structural Description |
SSD | Strathclyde Standard Desktop |
SSD | Sub-Optimum Sequence Detection |
SSD | Sugar-Sweetened Soft Drink |
SSD | Server Side Daemon |
SSD | Strength Screening Device |
SSD | Space Systems Directorate |
SSD | SHINPADS Standard Display |
SSD | Squires Sanders and Dempsey LLP (law firm) |
SSD | Sheet Steel Decking |
SSD | Second-degree Stochastical Dominance |
SSD | Software Systems Database |
SSD | Service de Sûreté des Déchets Radioactifs (French: Department of Safety of Radioactive Waste) |