Note: This page may contain terms or definitions that are offensive or inappropriate for some readers.
Acronym | Definition |
TWAT | Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday |
TWAT | There Was A Time (Guns n' Roses song title) |
TWAT | The War Against Terrorism |
TWAT | Tanker without a Tank (military slang) |
TWAT | There We Are Then |
TWAT | The Word Association Thread (game) |
TWAT | Tactical Women's Alert Team (Cheech & Chong skit) |
TWAT | Ten Worst Automobiles Today (Truth about Cars) |
TWAT | Texas Women Anglers Tournament (Corpus Christi, TX) |
TWAT | Trans Wisconsin Adventure Trail (est. 2008) |
TWAT | Traveling-Wave Amplifier Tube |
TWAT | The Warm As Toast (cafe in Cardiff, Wales, UK) |
TWAT | The Western Area Tourers (motorcycle club) |
TWAT | Total Wanker and Tosser |
TWAT | Tactical Wire Assault Team |
TWAT | The Watchtower Apocalyptic Testament |