Acronym | Definition |
TWC | The Weather Channel |
TWC | Time-Warner Cable |
TWC | Texas Workforce Commission (also seen as TWFC) |
TWC | The Weinstein Company (film studio) |
TWC | The Washington Center |
TWC | Transactions on Wireless Communications (IEEE) |
TWC | TETRA (TErrestrial TRunked RAdio) World Congress |
TWC | The Wellness Community |
TWC | Trustworthy Computing |
TWC | Telford & Wrekin Council (UK) |
TWC | Teachers & Writers Collaborative |
TWC | The Wig Company (Pittsburgh, PA) |
TWC | Technical Writing and Communication (various schools) |
TWC | Titan Water Cooling |
TWC | Three Way Catalyst |
TWC | Toronto Wildlife Centre (Toronto, Canada) |
TWC | Tennessee Wesleyan College (Athens, Tennessee) |
TWC | Three-Way Catalyst (automotive) |
TWC | Texas Water Commission |
TWC | The Worshiping Church |
TWC | Time Warner Center (New York City) |
TWC | The War Council (gaming) |
TWC | Two Way Communication |
TWC | Two Way Channel |
TWC | Third World Country |
TWC | Time-Warner Communications |
TWC | The Water Closet (Texas) |
TWC | The Writing Centre (various locations) |
TWC | The Wackenhut Corporation (Florida) |
TWC | Track Warrant Control (railroad systems) |
TWC | The Washington Chorus (Washington, DC) |
TWC | Three-Way Calling |
TWC | Tylenol With Codeine |
TWC | Total Water Current (US DoD) |
TWC | Total Water Content |
TWC | Taylor Woodrow Construction (UK) |
TWC | The Wrestling Channel |
TWC | Technical Working Committee |
TWC | The Wisden Cricketer (magazine; UK) |
TWC | Top Web Comics |
TWC | Tappan Wire & Cable (various locations) |
TWC | The Windows Club (online forum) |
TWC | Tsunami Warning Centre |
TWC | The Wilderness Center (Wilmot, OH) |
TWC | The Welcome Committee (various organizations) |
TWC | Trade Working Capital |
TWC | The Wireless City (Irvine, CA) |
TWC | The Wesleyan Church |
TWC | Tunable Wavelength Converter |
TWC | The Wellness Coalition (New Mexico) |
TWC | Texas Wesleyan College (now University) |
TWC | Office for Counterterrorism Analysis (DIA) |
TWC | Tank, Water, City |
TWC | Treatment, Workover and Completion |
TWC | Tank, Water, Chilled |
TWC | Traveling Wave Chopper |
TWC | Teen's with Crohn's |
TWC | The Wakefield Corporation |
TWC | Tank, Water, Cool |
TWC | Techwebcast |
TWC | Toxic Waste Center |
TWC | Theater Warfare Center |
TWC | Technical Writing Consultant |
TWC | Target Wadcutter (bullet) |
TWC | Tomahawk Workstation Center (ATWCS) |
TWC | Theater Weather Center |
TWC | Thick Wall Cylinder |
TWC | Tuningwerks Competition (automotive) |
TWC | Total Working Cost (financial management) |
TWC | The Werewolf Council (gaming) |
TWC | Thomas Winter Cooke, Inc. |