Acronym | Definition |
TEL | Telephone |
TEL | Technology-Enhanced Learning |
TEL | Telugu (langauge) |
TEL | Telegram |
TEL | The European Library |
TEL | Terrorist Exclusion List |
TEL | Tokyo Electron Limited (Tokyo, Japan) |
TEL | Thèses En Ligne (French: Theses Online; internet archive) |
TEL | Tennessee Electronic Library (virtual library) |
TEL | Thurber Engineering Ltd. (Canada) |
TEL | Telecommunication |
TEL | Technology Enhanced Learning |
TEL | Texture Element |
TEL | Tetra-Ethyl Lead |
TEL | Transporter-Erector-Launcher |
TEL | Tolled Express Lane (transportation) |
TEL | Teacher Education Loan (Alaska) |
TEL | Tax and Expenditure Limitation |
TEL | Total Employee Leasing (Pensacola, FL) |
TEL | Test of Economic Literacy |
TEL | Tevatron Electron Lens |
TEL | Translocation ETS Leukemia |
TEL | Team Deutsche Telekom (Tour de France cycling sponsor) |
TEL | Transfert d'Energie Linéique (French: Linear Energy Transfer) |
TEL | Terminal Equipment List |
TEL | Talker Echo Loudness |
TEL | Teneur en Eau Liquide (French) |
TEL | Trailing Edge Left |
TEL | Transportable Erector Launcher |
TEL | Taupo Electricity Limited (New Zealand) |
TEL | Test Equipment Listing |
TEL | Transmission Electrical Length |
TEL | Transportation Error Listing |
TEL | Total Exposure Limit |