ASWCAsian Semantic Web Conference
ASWCAlaska State Writing Consortium
ASWCAxxess Steering Wheel Control
ASWCAssociated Students of Whitman College
ASWCAlternate Serving Wire Center
ASWCAlberta Sheep and Wool Commission
ASWCAssociated Students of Westminster College
ASWCAmerican States Water Company (also seen as AWR; San Dimas, CA)
ASWCAssociated Students of Whitworth College
ASWCAmtrak Service Workers Council
ASWCAvailable Soil Water Capacity
ASWCAmerican Society for Welfare of Cats
ASWCAmerican Southwest Conference
ASWCAssam State Warehousing Corporation
ASWCAsk Someone Who Cares
ASWCAutomatic Switch Controller
ASWCAustralian Schools Web Challenge
ASWCAssociated Students of Whittier College
ASWCAmerican Serbian Woman's Caucus
ASWCAustralian Silicon Works Centre
ASWCAffine Smith-Waterman Cell
ASWCAdvanced Special Warfare Craft
ASWCAnapol, Schwartz, Weiss and Cohan, Feldman and Smalley P.C. (law firm)
ASWCAustralian Schools Writing Competition
ASWCAlternative Sports World Cup
ASWCApollo Solar Wind Composition experiment
ASWCAntisubmarine Warfare Controller
ASWCAntisubmarine Warfare Commander/Coordinator
ASWCAudubon Society Wildlife Conservation
ASWCApproximated Slepian-Wolf Coding
ASWCAustralian Specialty Waterborne Coatings Pty Ltd
ASWCArkansas Soil and Water Conservation Commission