UAMUniversidad Autonoma Metropolitana (México)
UAMUniversidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain)
UAMUniversity Art Museum (UC Santa Barbara)
UAMUser Authentication Module
UAMUser Access Manager
UAMUniversal Access Method
UAMUniversity of Arkansas-Monticello (Monticello, Arkansas)
UAMUniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland)
UAMUnion des Artistes Modernes (French: Union of Modern Artists)
UAMUtility Asset Management (various locations)
UAMUser Authentication Module (Microsoft software for secure networking between Mac computers and Windows NT Servers)
UAMUser Account Manager (software)
UAMUser Authentication Method
UAMUniversidad Autónoma de Manizales (Colombia)
UAMUrban Airshed Model
UAMUser Access Management
UAMUniversal American Corporation (stock symbol)
UAMUnicenter Asset Management
UAMUnit Atom Model (physics)
UAMUrawa Art Museum (Saitama, Japan)
UAMUnion Alliance Media
UAMUnderwater-to-Air Missile
UAMUnité d'Appui Multimédia (French: Multimedia Support Unit; Belgium)
UAMUnified Authentication Model
UAMUser Alert Message
UAMUnrelated Adult Male
UAMUnited Aerial Mapping
UAMUser Access Module
UAMUser to Access Mapper
UAMUnified Account Management
UAMUnit AIMNET Manager (US Air Force)