Acronym | Definition |
STB | Set Top Box (VCR, cable box, other TV appliances) |
STB | Surface Transportation Board (US DOT) |
STB | Said to Be (pedigree) |
STB | Short-Term Borrowing (finance) |
STB | Singapore Tourism Board |
STB | Soon To Be |
STB | Staatsblad |
STB | Simply The Best (computer peripheral manufacturer) |
STB | Sicherheitstemperaturbegrenzer (German: Safety Temperature Limiter) |
STB | Student Transportation, Inc. (stock symbol) |
STB | Strobe |
STB | Special Troops Battalion |
STB | Simplifying the Business (International Air Transport Association) |
STB | Spin the Bottle |
STB | Bachelor of Sacred Theology (religious order) |
STB | Screen-to-Body (ratio) |
STB | Shoot the Bullet (game) |
STB | Scottish Tourist Board |
STB | Smaller-the-Better |
STB | Stock Tank Barrel (oil industry) |
STB | Simply the Best |
STB | Streaming Data Strobe |
STB | Set Top Box |
STB | Storage Adapter Bridge Module |
STB | Single Transit Buffer |
STB | Store Byte |
STB | Stub Library |
STB | Store Buffer |
STB | Strut Tower Brace (automotive) |
STB | Singing the Blues (song) |
STB | Space-Time Block (coding scheme) |
STB | Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP (law firm; various locations) |
STB | Slovenian Tourist Board |
STB | Starboard (vessel) |
STB | Standard Trust Bank |
STB | Server and Tools Business (Microsoft) |
STB | Striped Bass (FAO fish species code) |
STB | Société Tunisienne de Banque (French; Tunisian bank) |
STB | Scandinavian Tourist Board (various locations) |
STB | Spanning Tree Bridge |
STB | Super Tropical Bleach |
STB | Sumitomo Trust and Banking Co., Ltd. (Japan) |
STB | Science and Technology Base |
STB | Strictly The Best (reggae/dancehall compilation) |
STB | Scotland the Brave |
STB | Severance Tax Bond (New Mexico) |
STB | Steal the Bacon (game type) |
STB | Shot to Bits (band) |
STB | Steal This Book (book) |
STB | Southern Tourist Board (UK) |
STB | Sammlung Bauaufsichtlich Eingeführte Technische Baubestimmungen (German) |
STB | Statni Bezpecnost (State Security Service; former Czechoslovakia) |
STB | South Temperate Belt (Jupiter) |
STB | Saint-Thomas Basket (basketball team; France) |
STB | Strategie, Technologie en Beleid (Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek) |
STB | Software Technical Bulletin |
STB | Sun Trust Bank |
STB | Short-Term Brands |
STB | Susan Tedeschi Band |
STB | Single Transferable Ballot |
STB | Sciences et Techniques Biologiques (French: Biological Sciences and Techniques; France) |
STB | Social Tech Brewing |
STB | Straight-to-Base |
STB | Start of Text Block |
STB | Surveillance Testbed |
STB | Signal Training Brigade |
STB | Scan True Bearing |
STB | Shanghai Taxation Bureau |
STB | Structured Trade Builder |
STB | Schlemmer Test Bed |
STB | Special Tax Basis |
STB | Support Training Battalion (Army) |
STB | Symbian Tower Battles (mobile game) |