Acronym | Definition |
STC | Somerset Trust Company (Somerset, PA) |
STC | Society for Technical Communication |
STC | Supplemental Type Certificate (FAA) |
STC | Sound Transmission Class |
STC | South Texas College |
STC | Soon to Come |
STC | Strengthen the Church (United Church of Christ) |
STC | Subject to Change |
STC | Sydney Theatre Company (Sydney, Australia) |
STC | Standard Test Conditions |
STC | Software Training Center (various locations) |
STC | Skills Training Center (various organizations) |
STC | Service Training Course (various organizations) |
STC | Surf the Channel (website) |
STC | Sacramento Theatre Company (Sacramento, CA) |
STC | Sydney Turf Club (Sydney, Australia) |
STC | Secondary Tax on Companies (South Africa) |
STC | State Trading Company (various locations) |
STC | Schlumberger Technology Corporation (various locations) |
STC | Singapore Turf Club |
STC | State Tax Credit (various locations) |
STC | Southeastern Technical College (Glennville, GA) |
STC | Sonic the Comic |
STC | Science and Technology Committee (various organizations) |
STC | Sustainable Tourism Conference |
STC | Saint Charles |
STC | Switzerland Travel Centre (est. 1998; Zurich, Switzerland) |
STC | Specialized Technical Committees (African Union) |
STC | Special Terms and Conditions (various organizations) |
STC | State Trading Corporation |
STC | System Timing Controller |
STC | Sms to Call |
STC | Short Timeout Confirmation |
STC | Set Carry |
STC | Sub Technical Committee |
STC | Serving Test Center |
STC | Store Conditions |
STC | Super Touring Car |
STC | Steering Torque Control |
STC | School To Career |
STC | Subject to Contract |
STC | Software Testing Conference (international conference) |
STC | Sensitivity Time Control |
STC | State Technical Committee |
STC | Staff Training College (India) |
STC | Savannah Technical College |
STC | Save the Cord (foundation) |
STC | Statistics Canada |
STC | School Test Coordinator (various locations) |
STC | Success through Collaboration (various organizations) |
STC | Science and Technology Center (UC Berkeley) |
STC | Said to Contain (description of cargo) |
STC | Standard Trading Conditions |
STC | State Transportation Commission (various locations) |
STC | Student Technology Center |
STC | Space-Time Coding |
STC | Set Carry Flag |
STC | Samuel Taylor Coleridge (English poet; 1772-1834) |
STC | Science and Technology for Children (National Science Resources Center) |
STC | Scheepvaart en Transport College |
STC | State Coordinator |
STC | Stability and Traction Control |
STC | Sound Transmission Coefficient |
STC | Small-Scale Technology Certificate (renewable energy; Australia) |
STC | State Textbook Committee (Oklahoma Department of Education) |
STC | Saskatchewan Transportation Company |
STC | System Time Clock (MPEG systems) |
STC | Synthetic Turf Council (Atlanta, Georgia) |
STC | Scarborough Town Centre (Toronto, Ontario) |
STC | Special Teams Coach (football) |
STC | Service Type Code (USPS) |
STC | Strength Training Center (various locations) |
STC | Slow Train Coming (Bob Dylan album) |
STC | Silicon Tetrachloride |
STC | Slow Transit Constipation |
STC | Software Technology Conference |
STC | Society of Telecommunications Consultants |
STC | Saudi Telecommunication Company |
STC | Supplementary Type Certificate (FAA) |
STC | Space-Time Continuum |
STC | Short-Term Compensation |
STC | Securities Trading Corporation (various locations) |
STC | Stewart Title of California (insurance company) |
STC | Senate Transportation Committee (various locations) |
STC | Soft Tissue Calcification (pathological condition) |
STC | State Transport Corporation (India) |
STC | Somerset Total Communication (Somerset, UK) |
STC | Semiconductor Test Consortium |
STC | Student Technology Conference |
STC | Sequence-Tagged Connector (biochemistry) |
STC | Shade Tree Committee (various organizations) |
STC | Simulated Treatment Comparison (clinical trials; statistical method) |
STC | Strike Command (UK) |
STC | Short-Term Consultant |
STC | Scalable Trusted Computing |
STC | Solid Tantalum Capacitor |
STC | Softail Custom (Harley-Davidson model) |
STC | Shock Trauma Center (University of Maryland Medical Center; Baltimore, MD) |
STC | Stone The Crows (band) |
STC | Simpson Timber Company |
STC | Semivariogram Textural Classifier |
STC | SHAPE Technical Centre (The Hague, The Netherlands) |
STC | Short Title Catalog (early UK texts) |
STC | Securing the Cities (collaborative government program) |
STC | Stirling Technology Company |
STC | Science Teaching Center |
STC | Spring Technical Conference (annual) |
STC | Society of Toxicology of Canada |
STC | Second-Tier City |
STC | Satellite Test Center |
STC | Star Trek: Continuum (newsgroups) |
STC | Storage Tank Compliance (environmental protection) |
STC | Sub-Technical Committee |
STC | Saint Cloud, MN, USA - Saint Cloud (Airport Code) |
STC | Standard Transportation Commodity |
STC | Smith Telecommunication Center (Brigham Young University Iowa) |
STC | Sterling Trust Company (Waco, TX) |
STC | Spacecraft Technology Center |
STC | Systems Test Complex (US NASA) |
STC | Saudi Telecommunications Co. |
STC | Sustainable Tourism Center (various locations) |
STC | Slew To Cue (Army) |
STC | Self-Tuning Control |
STC | Shared Technologies Cellular |
STC | Société de Toxicologie Clinique (French: Society of Toxicology Clinics; France) |
STC | Software Technology Center |
STC | Superconductivity Technology Center (Los Alamos National Laboratory) |
STC | Short Term Camp (Thailand) |
STC | Soldering Technology Committee |
STC | Short Time Constant |
STC | Star Tracker Camera (astronomy) |
STC | Spamtec (rap group) |
STC | Standard Telephone Cables |
STC | Saudi Telephone Company |
STC | Summer Technology Camp (various locations) |
STC | Subject to Collection |
STC | Shawnee Trails Council (Boy Scouts of America) |
STC | |
STC | Standard Transmission Code |
STC | Space Technology Center |
STC | Sound Track Channel (TV) |
STC | Standard Template Construct (gaming, Warhammer 40k) |
STC | Self-Timed Circuit |
STC | Start to Crate |
STC | Socio-Technical Congruence |
STC | Satyam Technology Centre (India) |
STC | Sail Training Craft |
STC | Sales to Consumers (Beer Industry) |
STC | Standard Telegraphic Code (for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean characters) |
STC | School Teaching Committee (UK) |
STC | Sumitomo Titanium Corporation (Japan) |
STC | Saint Theresa's College (Philippines) |
STC | Single Trip Container |
STC | Set Top Computer |
STC | Satellite Teleregistration Center (US FEMA) |
STC | Space Traffic Control |
STC | Sustainable Transport Charity (UK) |
STC | Slow Time Controls (chess) |
STC | Superior Technical Ceramics, Corp. |
STC | Service Test Center (Alcatel) |
STC | Steam Temperature Control |
STC | Satellite Television Corporation |
STC | Short Time Current (transformers) |
STC | Saint Thomas College (Sri Lanka) |
STC | Syndicat des Travailleurs Corse (French: Union of Corsican Workers; France) |
STC | Service Transformation Committee (Canada) |
STC | Software Trace Cache (algorithm) |
STC | Surface Technology Corporation (France) |
STC | Sequential Turbo-Charging (diesel engine for marine propulsion) |
STC | Standard Time Controls (chess) |
STC | Satellite Training Center |
STC | Striving to Comprehend (band) |
STC | Smart Transporter Chip |
STC | Sudbury Theatre Center |
STC | Small Tenders Committee |
STC | Storms to Come (band) |
STC | Standard Test Cell (measurement device) |
STC | Self-Testing Checker |
STC | Chief Sonar Technician (US Navy rating) |
STC | Spacecraft Test Conductor (US NASA) |
STC | System Test Computer |
STC | Senior Tactical Commander |
STC | System Test Console |
STC | System Test Controller |
STC | System Technical Control |
STC | Swayzee Telephone Company |
STC | Solution Test Center (California) |
STC | Service Transport Combiné (French: Combined Transport Service; France) |
STC | Speed Truck Challenge (racing) |
STC | SCAN transposition cipher |
STC | Spudgun Technology Center |
STC | Sound Transmission Coefficent |
STC | Secondary Telecommunications Center |
STC | Scared the Cat |
STC | Singing to the Choir |
STC | Slue To Cue |
STC | Storage Technology Incorporated |
STC | Software Technology for Computers |
STC | Special Topic Committee |
STC | Shipboard Tactical Communications (US Navy) |
STC | Spectral Transmittance Curve |
STC | Sealed Toolless Connector (module) |
STC | Signal Terminal Cabinet |
STC | Single Trunk Customer |
STC | Skew-Tolerant Circuit |
STC | Short Thread Casing (tubing) |
STC | Sun Tuning Club (France) |
STC | Sustainable Tourism Criteria Initiative |