Acronym | Definition |
TSE | Tokyo Stock Exchange |
TSE | Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX since April, 2002) |
TSE | Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (Brazil) |
TSE | Technical Support Engineer |
TSE | Test of Spoken English (Educational Testing Service) |
TSE | Tribunal Supremo Electoral (Supreme Electoral Tribunal, Guatemala) |
TSE | Transactions on Software Engineering (IEEE publication) |
TSE | Technical Support Executive (various locations) |
TSE | Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy |
TSE | Technical Service Engineer (various companies) |
TSE | Taiwan Stock Exchange |
TSE | Tarjeta Sanitaria Europea (Spanish: European Health Insurance Card) |
TSE | The Second Encounter (video game) |
TSE | The Special Event (various locations) |
TSE | Terminal Server Edition (Microsoft NT Server) |
TSE | Thomas Stearns Eliot (poet, critic, editor; 1888-1965) |
TSE | Tree Search Engine |
TSE | Terminal Server Edition |
TSE | Terminal Services Edition |
TSE | Testicular Self-Examination (for cancer) |
TSE | Traditional Search Engine (computing) |
TSE | Turbo Spin Echo (MRI) |
TSE | Toulouse School of Economics (France) |
TSE | Total Solar Eclipse |
TSE | Truck Stop Electrification |
TSE | The Satellite Encyclopedia (Tag's Broadcasting Services) |
TSE | Tactical Site Exploitation |
TSE | Travailleurs Sans Emploi (French: Unemployed Workers; Belgium) |
TSE | Twin-Screw Extruder (high-intensity mixer) |
TSE | Traffic Safety Education |
TSE | Treated Sewage Effluent |
TSE | Total System Error |
TSE | Travel Search Engine |
TSE | Technology, Society, Environment Studies (Carleton University; Canada) |
TSE | Two Stroke Engine |
TSE | Turk Standartlari Enstitusu (Turkish: Turkish Standards Institute; est. 1960) |
TSE | Trans-Siberian Express |
TSE | Tactical Security Element |
TSE | Taxe Spéciale d'Equipement (French: Special Equipment Tax) |
TSE | Transportation Support Equipment (US NASA) |
TSE | Thayer School of Engineering (Dartmouth College) |
TSE | Tri-State Employment Services, Inc. (New York) |
TSE | Time Stamp Event (software) |
TSE | The Sofia Echo (Bulgaria English Language Newspaper) |
TSE | Transition Special Education |
TSE | The Silent Elite (gaming) |
TSE | Terminal Server Emulation |
TSE | Tissue-Specific Extinguisher |
TSE | Technical Services for Electronics, Inc. (cable assembly manufacturer in Minnesota, USA) |
TSE | Test Systems Engineering |
TSE | Two-Step Estimator |
TSE | Tension Stringing Equipment |
TSE | Technical Surveillance Equipment |
TSE | Topology State Element |
TSE | Tritium Science and Engineering |
TSE | Temperature Sensing Element (climate control) |
TSE | Terminal Switching Exchange |
TSE | Test Sequence Error |
TSE | Threaded Small End |
TSE | Transport Support Enabled |
TSE | TAACOM Support Element |
TSE | Tentative Symbol Estimation |
TSE | Technical Support Enhanced |
TSE | Tactical Support Element/Equipment |
TSE | Telephone Support Engineer |
TSE | TOC Support Element |
TSE | Texas Southeastern Railroad Company |
TSE | Thoughtstorm Entertainment |
TSE | TRADOC Support Element |
TSE | Tom Savage Explosion (band) |
TSE | Typical Software Engineer |