Acronym | Definition |
TSG | Technical Specification Group |
TSG | Transgender Support Group (various locations) |
TSG | Test Signal Generator (US DoD) |
TSG | The Smoking Gun (web site) |
TSG | The SCO Group (US software/finance company) |
TSG | Technology Services Group (UK) |
TSG | The Swag Guy (web username) |
TSG | Tumor Suppressor Gene |
TSG | Tennessee State Guard |
TSG | Toyo Sasaki Glass (est. 2002; Japan) |
TSG | Terminal Services Gateway |
TSG | Technology Solutions Group |
TSG | Technical Support Group |
TSG | ThermoSalinoGraph |
TSG | Testing Solutions Group (software) |
TSG | The Surgeon General |
TSG | Traditional Speciality Guaranteed (EC) |
TSG | The Speed Gamers |
TSG | Twisted Gastrulation |
TSG | Tourism and Government (Hawaii) |
TSG | Tourism Sustainability Group (EU) |
TSG | Telluride Ski & Golf (Telluride, CO) |
TSG | Technical Steering Group |
TSG | The SPECTRUM Group (Washington, DC; consulting firm) |
TSG | Technical Solutions Group |
TSG | Time-Sequence Graph |
TSG | Teacher Study Group (model) |
TSG | Toxics Steering Group (Michigan Department of Environmental Quality) |
TSG | Tectonics/Structural Geology (various schools) |
TSG | Theater Support Group (US Army) |
TSG | Tactical Sound Garden (software) |
TSG | Targeting Support Group (US DoD) |
TSG | Telephone Support Group |
TSG | Timing Signal Generator |
TSG | Trouble Shooting Guide |
TSG | Trustee Sale Guarantee (real estate, bankruptcy) |
TSG | The Stomping Grounds |
TSG | Tucson Show Guide (Tucson, AZ) |
TSG | Technical Sergeant |
TSG | The Stolen Generation |
TSG | Terminal Server Gateway |
TSG | Telephone Security Group |
TSG | Police Territorial Support Group |
TSG | The Special Goodness (band) |
TSG | Technology and Standards Group (Advanced Television Systems Committee) |
TSG | Technical Speleological Group (Derbyshire, UK) |
TSG | Translation Services Gateway |
TSG | Thunderbird Student Government (AGSIM, Glendale, AZ, USA) |
TSG | Time Signal Generator |
TSG | The Software Group, Inc. |
TSG | Tactical Strategy Group, Inc |
TSG | The Sundered Guard (gaming guild) |
TSG | Trunk Subgroup |
TSG | Technology Steering Group |
TSG | The Schuster Group |
TSG | The Showalter Group (Cincinnati, OH) |
TSG | The Seminar Group |
TSG | TMDE Support Group |
TSG | Triplex Safety Glass |
TSG | Telecommunications Systems Group |
TSG | Tibetan Support Group |
TSG | The Structures Group (Virginia) |
TSG | Test Support Group |
TSG | Technical School Graduate |
TSG | Transmission Signaling Group |
TSG | TRAP/TDDS Steering Group |
TSG | Technical Standards & Guidelines |
TSG | Triservice Group |
TSG | Tracking Signal Generator |
TSG | Tactical Shore Gateway (US DoD) |
TSG | Tidal Study Group |
TSG | Test and Switching Gear |
TSG | The Super Gosu (online gaming clan) |
TSG | Technology Survey Group (Columbia, MD) |
TSG | Texas Systems Group (Austin, TX) |
TSG | Train, Strangulate, Gnaw (World of Warcraft) |