TSHThyroid-Stimulating Hormone
TSHThoughts of Self Harm (psychiatry)
TSHThe Secret History
TSHTanzanian Shilling (national currency)
TSHTokyo Station Hotel (Tokyo, Japan)
TSHTaru Sormusten Herrasta
TSHTranssphenoidal Hypophysectomy
TSHT-Systems Hungary
TSHTransitional Supportive Housing (various locations)
TSHThe Slaughter House (gaming community)
TSHThe Stamford Hospital (Stamford, CT)
TSHTopeka State Hospital (Topeka, KS)
TSHTaunton State Hospital (Taunton, MA)
TSHTrans States Holdings, Inc. (airlines; Brigeton, MO)
TSHTemporary Safe Haven
TSHTarget Sleeve Housing
TSHTour of Solar Homes (Colorado)
TSHTripping So Hard
TSHTeknisk Skole Hillerød
TSHTennessee Soldier's Home (genealogy research)