ULUrban Legend
ULUnderwriters Laboratories Incorporated
ULUp (Stage) Left
ULUniversity of Louisiana (Lafayette)
ULUlm (Germany)
ULUniversity of Limerick (Ireland)
ULUniversal Life (insurance)
ULUpper Level
ULUpper Limit (nutrition)
ULUlica (Russian, street; used in postal addresses)
ULUniversity Library
ULUniversity of Louisville (Kentucky)
ULUnlucky (online poker)
ULUnderwriter Laboratories (various locations)
ULUnilever (Europe)
ULUniversity of Lisbon (Portugal)
ULUrban League
ULUniversity of London
ULUnordered Lists (HTML)
ULUniversité Laval (Québec)
ULUntil Later
ULUn Lit
ULUniversity of Leeds (UK)
ULUniversal Language
ULTolerable Upper Intake Level (Institute of Medicine, maximum level of daily nutrient intake that is likely to pose no risk of adverse side effects)
ULUltralight Aircraft
ULUniverza v Ljubljani (Slovenia)
ULUnit Linked
ULUpper Limb (anatomy)
ULUnit Level
ULUnit Load
ULUnexpected Loss
ULUnwritten Law (band)
ULUltra Linear
ULUniversity of Leiden (Netherlands)
ULUniversity of Lincoln (England)
ULUntold Legends (PSP game)
ULUterine Leiomyoma
ULUniwersytet Lodzki
ULUniversity of Lowell (UK)
ULUnità Lavorative
ULUltras Leverkusen (German football-team fan club)
ULUniversal Listener (early name for Microsoft Internet Information Services HTTP.SYS)
ULSrilankan Airlines Code
ULUnwritten Legend (gaming)
ULUndying Legends (gaming group)
ULUpper Lid of the Eye
ULUngerbock Labeling