Acronym | Definition |
ULA | Universidad de Los Andes |
ULA | United Launch Alliance |
ULA | up Level Addressing |
ULA | Usb Linker Advance |
ULA | Upper Layer Address |
ULA | Ultra-High Purity |
ULA | Uniform Linear Array |
ULA | Utah Library Association |
ULA | Unique Local Address |
ULA | University Libraries and Archives (Emporia, KS) |
ULA | Uncommitted Logic Array |
ULA | Undergraduate Learning Assistant (various schools) |
ULA | Uganda Land Alliance |
ULA | User Licensing Agreement |
ULA | Upper Layer Architecture |
ULA | University of Lapland (Finland) |
ULA | Upper Latch Auxiliary |
ULA | unidade de lógica e aritimética (arithmetic logic unit) |
ULA | Underwater Location Aid (NASA) |
ULA | Urban Living Associates |